Have we ever ponder what it really means? Here's one definition: "Willingness to show consideration or appreciation". Here's another one: "courteous regard for people's feelings"
This week the media circus revolves around the ISA. Not that I'm 100% with it, tapi it does serve one purpose: to remove people who do not know how to respect others, from the society. No question ask. If you do not know how to respect others, don't expect to get one back. If you get "dog food" while being detained, most probably you deserved it.
Sentimen perkauman and agama, is a difinite NO-NO to me. Jangan dipersoalkan. Unfortunately, politician these days suka sangat nak menggunakannya. Suka nak melaga-lagakan orang. No respect at all. Ni semua idiots yang tak bercampur gaul langsung.
Lu pikir la sendiri... seriously in Malaysia, ada ke orang yang tak bercampur dengan bangsa lain?Ada ke yang dalam sehari langsung tak bercakap dengan bangsa lain?
Everyday as soon as I step into my office, I meet Melayu, Cina, India, Mat Salleh, Indon, Pinoy, Honki.. semua ada. We smile at each other in the elevator. I held doors for them, they held doors for me. We adapt each others language into our daily conversation with all the lah, lor, ho, ma and deys. Just the other day, my chinese friend apologise to me because he forgot that I was fasting and he was eating in front of me. They teman me to sahur. They cover for me for the up coming raya and all ok with my long break. Because come Deepavali and CNY, I will cover for them and be ok with it.
Masa sekolah, I had Malay, Chinese, Indian teachers and friends. Our home in Batu Pahat are surrounded by Chinese family and their dogs. The guy who came over and install my Astro is Chinese. The dude selling me my morning paper is Indian. We are everywhere, in each others way, breathing down each others neck.
Tak mati pun. Benci macam mana pun we make it work.
Tetiba ada pulak mangkuk ayun yang nak kata azan kuat sangat? Tulisan jawi tak boleh? Nak mintak queen of england save them? Apakah? Ingat if we don't respect each other, boleh ke orang nak pecah-pecah kelapa tengah jalan? Boleh ke nak berarak dari pagi sampai petang sampai jalan jam? Nak bakar "BMW", "ipod", "MacBook", "banglo" untuk atuk nenek depa in open air? Nak ada death possesion siap dengan band with flame thrower in the middle of the town? No. No question asked. Out of respect of one another.
I'm pissed at these people who think they are such heroes but actually making us hate and uncomfortable with one another. If you seriously hardcore sangat nak jadi rock melayu or geng bukit or hindraf - maybe Malaysia is not for you.
Aiyo, wa pu chi tau lah!