Thursday, March 26, 2009

Until June

How cool is this album - Until June.

Tidak eloklah kalau tak beli. The guy at the store said they sounded like Travis. Personally.. takde pun. But they do have decent songs. In fact the song 'What I've Done' was used in Private Practise.

Originally the band was called June. But then they changed it to Until June. Story behind it, they set a target that by June 2005 if they have not sign up with a record label, they would call it quits. Hmm.. if they kept with Juune, they might be a tad more successful if you ask me. Heheheh(read more here:

Check out their website:

This was indeed the single one thing that I'm proud of from all the overloaded 20Kg purchases that I made in Singapore.

A true sign of a Posuer! C'est la Vie

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