Tuesday, June 16, 2009

C. Thomas Howell

also known as Tommy Howell or Christopher Thomas Howell.

Tetiba, this month there was a few of his movies playing on Astro. I actually saw Soul Man twice. Cerita memang zaman 80s yang bodoh, tapi cuci mata punya pasal, layan la jugak. It's about a white guy - C.Thomas Howell, impersonating a black guy in order to get scholarship to go to Harvard. His skin turned black due to too much tan lotion. Apakah?

Then, I also saw a movie called Tank. Nama aje dah mencemar duli aku menengoknya. It's about this army dude who rescued his son - C. Thomas Howell in an army tank (percayalah!) from a sort of illegal concentration camp run by the town's sherrifs. Talk about plot mcm haram. Tapi akak layan jugak uols.

So siapa ke C.Thomas Howell ni? Hahahah. He's like the hearthrob of the 80s. Ala Zach Effron la. Ya rabbi minat gila babi, babi pub tak minat macam ni. There was this magazine back in the days that would feature stories and posters about him. Tak ingat what's the magazine called. But my sis would ask me to buy the back dated ones which cost RM3 for 4 back dated issues. Dah la beli kat pasar je. Maju jugak pasar Batu Pahat tu.

That's where I remember reading about Tommy Howell would like a mature image and do not want to be called Tommy anymore. Hence, the name C. Thomas Howell. Hahahah. But then, I might be able to get my hands on his posters, but never get to watch his movies. Ye la zaman tu mana la ada cable. I saw Back To The Futures like 3 years after it's released kot. Check out how comel he was.

In fact sampai sekarang, I have not watch the biggest movie that C. Thomas Howell starred in:

Yes, he was in The OUTSIDERS! and yes, I have not seen it. Kesian ke tidak. This I suppose were like THE movie to be watched. Agaknya DVD haram ada tak cerita ni? Ke I've bought it tapi tak ingat letak mana. I do have the book as well. Pun tah letak mana. Check out the cast. From left Emilio Esteves, Ralph Macchio, C.Thomas Howell, Tom Cruise, and on the top row from the right, (omg is that...) Rob Lowe, Matt Dillon and Patrick Swayze. Read more about the movie here

Hehehheheh... so I wonder what he looks like now. Alamak...mcm borderline penagih dadah! How come Tom Cruise still looks the same? Pakai susuk ke apa.


ms ngantuk said...

brader ni lebih kuno drp andrew mccarthy aku hahaha. (he was in spiderwick chronicles yeay!)
btw azabsnya si tc zaman tu but matt dillon was the picture of perfect comelness...aah akak suka! why lah dulu x kawin je dgn auntie cammie diaz masa semua blm sewel+comots now? :P

-akak suka reminisce zaman 80s pdhal blm baligh pun!!!-

terasa sewel said...

aku rasa modern day susuk is called botox lah.. that's what TC pakai kot.

zuned zargosa said...

hellooo... andrew mccarthy (born 1962) lagi tua dari tommy howell (born 1966) ok.

but yes wonders of the modern day susuk also known as botox has enabled andrew mccarthy still be in the limelight, where as mr howell looks like penjarah. eii tapi still ganguan perasaan looking at him in Lipstick Jungle.
dia cuma comel dlm Breakfast Club aje. Tu pun aku rasa Emilio lagi cute. Heheheheheh

kerop-keroppi said...

ehe andrew pun nampak tua; look at his crow feet. tp tc eeriely looks picture perfect. hai mungkin kena jd diva utk have it all!

btw c thom howell ni still looks older than andrew! and aku x tgk rimba gincu