Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right
And life has a funny way of helping you out when
You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up
In your face
Ironic - Alanis Morisette
I was browsing last year's thrash mag when I saw this. Hahahahha. Oh well... actually it's just a reason to post gambar si Cantik Tertarik Kau Memang da Bomb. But it's so scandalicious ain't it? May these people find inner peace one way or another. And the one that was stripped off his captain armband.. ambik kau!
On footies front, there's 2.. or maybe 3 things on my mind:
1. Blues is still on top of the table though it's very nyawa di hujung tanduk position.
2. Blues is without 1st and 2nd choice keeper and with Inter Milan looming over in a few days lagi, sangat menakutkan. I shall try to watch the game and give full support (kononnya). May my acne be in reasonable state despite the lack of sleep.
3. The thing that I have been denying the most, seems can't be help anymore. Si cantik tertarik maybe be free for grabs by end of this season. From the talk on the street, seems Manure and neighbour Manure City is interested. Perderhakaan tahap gaban la jika dia move ke Manure land... sama macam Mohd Oweng. I can't even begin to imagine the heartbreak :(
Well it ain't over till the fat lady sings y'all!
si vanessa tu pakai baju dah nk eclipse the bride. mesti time ni JT dah geram2 nk tarik2 ala2 wadrobe malfunction! hai for all the chasing skirts scenario these players did, depa pun sama kena tipah tertipu gak. pun begitu i think JT is scum. that's what u get bila bapak pusher, mak shoplifter, anak yg dah kaya raya pun nk buat side income tipu2 org at stamford bridge..i shudder to imagine what his kids will grow up to be. (mak bini dia pun shoplifter!)
akhir kata, marilah sokong gunners. pakcik wenger lebih telus dan mulia; majulah sukan utk ARSENAL :P
puan henry,
that's euro thrash for you. Ala2 hillbillies n redneck. hahahah
pakcik wenger telus? he maybe telus... but he did hire adibahyor and turned him into this poyo, tak sedar diri, tak mengenang budi, busuk hati dengki punya player.
*shudderrs* is J coley to join adibahyor and tasmanian devil (another tak sedar diri dude) at man city.... eiii tak masuk lagi si gila belami. Hoo boy... menakutkan.
p/s: agaknya masa ni la JT tergatal hati pada si minah ni..heheh
minah ni french tart yg mungkin ada ancestors yg jd gundik napoleon :D
ye sbb adebayor adalah sgala yg tertera, maka pakcik wenger yg telus lg sucimurni telah bg flying kick kpdnya utk pegi menghidupkan club juta2 yg still blm no4 (kan?). tp aku teringat pd lg sorang anak haram yg x sedar untung nama ass-hole cole. eh ke ashley hole? hehehe itu cth2 scum satu league dgn JT sengal.
pun begitu di club juta2 tu ada sorang lg hooligan nama bellamy yg somehow aku agak admire sbb dia ada no fear for anything.. go welsh boy go!
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