Globalization has brought us Starbucks, Ipods and many more splendored things including the cheap fake goods from our neighboring country. We can now afford to own 'Gucci', 'Prada', 'Dior' and the thing that I enjoyed most is the 400 bucks polo shirts. Be it a Big Pony or (small) Classic Pony, I can now own several of them in different hues of colors.
Eversince R*lph Laur*n introduced the Big Pony to the world during the US Open, other brands are following suit as well, joining the so to speak, market of up-scale, luxury, designer - polo shirt. Another brand making it's mark is the H*ckett London. Well, they have for a long time actually. I'm talking about them making mark in Malaysia. You get my drift.
Ah, now we posuers need to own at least one 'Big P*ny' for Saturdays outing and a 'H*ckett London' for Sundays outing.
Before we go any further about what's killing me, let's a take look about a few facts and figures.
Polo shirt that we see today, got it's idea from tennis shirt. Read more here
Polo - basically is a game being played by mounted players chasing around a wooden ball, and whacking them about with a long mallet till they score goal.
How many players does a team have in a polo match? - Notice that there's a campaign of R*lph Lauren fragrance? There's like 4 different bottles? Well it's because in a polo team there's 4 players. I REPEAT 4 PLAYERS FOR EACH TEAM.

What are their role/position?
Number One is the most offense-oriented position on the field. The Number One position generally covers the opposing team's Number Four.
Number Two has an important role in offense, either running through and scoring themselves, or passing to the Number One and getting in behind them. Defensively, they will cover the opposing team's Number Three, generally the other team's best player. Given the difficulty of this position, it is not uncommon for the best player on the team to play Number Two so long as another strong player is available to play Three.
Number Three is the tactical leader and must be a long powerful hitter to feed balls to Number Two and Number One as well as maintaining a solid defense. The best player on the team is usually the Number Three player, usually wielding the highest handicap.
Number Four is the primary defense player. They can move anywhere on the field, but they usually try to prevent scoring. The emphasis on defense by the
Number Four allows the Number Three to attempt more offensive plays, since they know that they will be covered if they lose the ball
So, their jersey or shall we say polo shirt should only have number 1, 2, 3 and 4. I REPEAT 1,2,3 and 4. (Takde no 8,9, 13, dan sebagainya)
H*ckett L*ndon sponsors the British Army Polo team. So their Polo t-shirt comes in no 1, 2, 3 and 4. And their special emblem or logo if you will is made of two crossing mallet. And yes, they normally have H*ckett written at the back of their collar. R*lph L*uren logo on the other hand, is made of a polo player on a pony holding a mallet.
H*ckett London also sponsored the London rowing club as well as the Oxbridge boat race, if not mistaken. These t-shirts will have the emblem of the crossed rowing paddles. The rowers don't normally wear numbered shirts but the current design of H*ackett boat race line, boast a number 8.
H*ckett London is also associated with the Aston Martin Racing club. These collections normally boast the number 59 ( I have no idea why, to lazy to dig further).More details here (
So I say this with love to all the posuers out there
1. If the back of your collar says Swiss Polo, please do not turn up your collar
2. If your t-shirt is boasting other numbers than those mentioned above, leave it at home. Or unless you're dead sure it's for rugby. (It's now call a rugby jersey and no longer a polo t-shirt, erk).
3. Please tone it down. The whole family donning the same white Polo t-shirt with no 3 is no longer fasionable as soon as Datuk K's and his boys pictures was published. Doing it in pink does not improved the situation.
4.If you really gotta have it, let's face it, we mere mortals can't really afford them, while wearing them, please wipe off that samseng Kampung Dusun smirk from your face, quit struting around like you own the place, coz cik abang... that deep maroon t-shirt, with the huge diagnoal white stripe, with no 9 on your sleeve, with the emblem and the frickin big word that starts with H across your chest and at the back of your upturned collar, just screams - TACKY.
Please kill me.
this is bloody snobbish of u!
pun begitu i have more of the 400-a-pc ones (minus the numbers - too many ppl wearing them ; dah jd tacky!) n the lesser priced ones too :P
Snob tak snob pun, I'm not associated with people who knows people who play polo (hohoho). And I don't own any 400-a-pc thang. My thangs all come from warehouse sale or outlets ye.
Aku mcm pening dengan semua tempat aku pergi semua orang memposouer tak tentu hala. I just wish people are a bit informed. Hehaw.
Lepas ni aku nak cari t-shirt yg tulis 666. Hah.
hahahaha 666 anak aku will read it as 999! keluar pulak muka damien anak ac mizal sbg ganti kepala kuda lambang:P
sape yg kenal org main polo? bkn kau dulu dok dkt2 menara polo n ada bff baru ex gf si kuda pemain polo????
beb poseur eja ginilah. (sorry mode cikgu spelling :P) rock2 melayu ramai benau pakai no 3 ke brp ntah..akak dah confused mana betul ke tak. bdk kat metrojaya pun nk jual hacket $20 kat aku...
p/s gosh teringat anakku minta baju horse yg mak dia sll jd cinapek nk sebutnya..sat..nk kira syiling; cukup dak?!!
Muahahahhahah... nak cakap poser tapi tak reti eja. Muahahha. Macam mana nak jadi wartawan mangga or travel writer nih. Takpe la.. I blame it on dyslexia. Mcm model on Next American Top Model tu.
Harrooowwwww? Tu BFF sape tu? Tak kenal pun. Staying near Menara Polo, does not count eh.
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