Masa kecik-kecik dulu, I think there were two things that I looked forward yearly. The Final of Malaysia FA Cup and Juara Lagu. I can't remember when I stopped bothering about Malaysia FA.... but I never missed watching Juara Lagu. From Azwan Ali to Ogy to these 3 stooges ops Mod Squad (whatever.. I thot they should bring Ogy and Azwan just for this 25th year). From K Melah's blinking hearts to KRU botched pyro to the rock kapak era to Pak Ngah's domination with Ethic Creatif to Ning's hig Falsetto to the uprising of the Indie acts, saw it all.
25 years - hats off to the TV3!
Brilliant opening: I was 8 when Francisca Peter won Muzik-Muzik with Manan Ngah. I loved that they opened with her. Of course she doesn't look like she did then, neither do I. Hahah. Next is Nash (who I think is already on his way to see a doctor). Jerit pun jerit la bang, esok seminggu hilang suara pun tak apa. Janji sedap. Ohhh then came out M Nasir. I lobes his performance. He is very composed. Hate the dancers as usual.
1. Sempurna (Yuna)
The ochestra was brilliant at the beginning. Her vocal was brilliant. Her playing the keyboard was brilliant. But somehow, I'm not feeling this as much as I did during the semis. Personally I think she should have just let it be low key and just have only the orchestra to back her up. No doubt she is very talented. Whatever it is, this song still have my vote to win something tonight.
2. Berlari (Tomok/ Tomok & Shazee Ishak/ Tomok)
Tommy Tomok!!! MJ ke apa ni? The changes in the arrangement is great. I think vocally Tomok could've done better. I was not going to say much about this performance.. but I can't. The Slash celup is absolute rubbish. Baik pakai songkok bang. Baru aku respect sket. Right this is not about you but Tomok. The camera during this performance is a bit slacking, can't really see the choreography.
Asal usul nama Tomok? Pulau tomok? Kampung Tomok? APABENDANIHARAMJADAH (font size 500, bold). Siapa tulis script ni? Angkat tangan, sepak muka sendiri.Kuat-
kuat!!! Haish.
3. Pelita (A.P.I/ Loque)
OK. I never paid any attention to this song before. No idea what it is about so I don't really understand what's with the 'I'm injured' theme. And the accompanying band in black robes. Err.. lepas tu drummer kena lari ke depan utk jatuh kiok beramai-ramai. Tak boleh ke tergolek kat drum set tu aje? Err..Ahh...hummm... err tak tau nak cakap apa la.
4. Kebahagiaan Dalam Perpisahan (Shahir/ Edry Abdul Halim)
What do we call a guy who came on stage wearing a cape? ...A cape? ...A cape? A f*ck*ng capppee! (ok ni lepas dia kibas-kibas cape ni macam Zorro). Ok NO front shot please, seluar ketat sial. Yang makcik ni bercakap-bercakap, meroyan kat tepi ni kenapa? Kenapa la N.A, kau nak terlibat dalam kancah pertelingkahan ni? Aku dah tak paham hujung pangkal lagu ni. Alamak.. Captain Cape kena penampar sebijik. Apakah? E, you should have done better. This boy should just stood there and flex his vocal cords to the max.
5. Drama King (Meet Uncle Hussain & Black/ Taja/ Tun Teja)
Ramli MS and the Orchestra really outdone the opening of this song. Lobes it! Lobes the coats. Hate the pantomine or whatever they are called. Eye brow raising over the tights Black is wearing. Anyhoo I don't know if the sound in the stadium is better, but I think the band is tad too loud. Black's vocal is drowning.Hmm I begining to think that this performace is a bit overrated. I have such high hopes for this song. I hope it will still win.
6. Noktah Cinta (Hafiz/ Ajai/ Sheikh Qalam)
Ok I stand corrected. Ada jugak jawa dari masai ni. You can't go wrong by going back to basic. Kan senang nyanyi je macam biasa. Ok...dah keluar pulak scene tembak menembak....I spoke too soon :( What's with the white suits ni? Ada sale kain ela kat Jalan Tar ke? At least his vocal is great. And the song does sound good.
ADOOOIII the script is really killing me. TAK BOLEH BLAHHH DE!
7. Tolong Ingatkan Aku (Ana Raffali)
Hmmm. The guitars were nice. Sounds like some country act in the Grammy's. Not bad at all. What's bad is that you have such a huge stage, and you choose to sing in a cage? Ok this is rubbish. If I close my eyes and just listen to the song and vocal, I would say it's a good performance. The unnecessary gimmics are spoiling this show.
8. Selamat Malam (Faizal Tahir/ Audi Mok/ Faizal Tahir)
OK disturbing pulak aku tengok akak pregnant ni. OK ni dah blow out of portion. Dah keluar Aziz Satar pulak. Ya rabbi, lagu ni sedap. Suara sedap. Kenapa nak ada orang berlakon merepek meraban ni. Tak paham aku. Lepas tu dah ackward si FT ni nak rock kangkang sendiri kat depan. Arghhhhhhh apa benda ni????
9. Ku Ada Kamu (Adira/ Edry Abdul Halim)
My first thot was, eh opening Olympics kat Beijing. 2nd thot, hedious dress. But I will overlook all those, because I love this song. I thot her vocal was not bad except she didn't managed to sustain it in the end. I love the arrangement. I hope this performance will win something.
Ok script pengacara ni dah masuk kurang ajar. Nyampah tahap gaban sial.
10. Extravaganza (Bunkface/ Sam Bunkface/ Bunkface)
OK vocal tu memang ke laut lepas la. But I have to give props for the useage of the stage, visuals and lights. Nampak mcm stylo la jugak. Other than that, aku macam termenung kejap masa ni. Suam suam kuku aje vibenya. The low key bridge was nice though.
11. Sofea Jane (Black/ Sham Kamikaze & Iswandy/ Farril)
White lagi. Lebih stok baju sekolah ke? Errk..Back to business. I lobes this song. But I have this nagging feeling that his vocal lacked the umpph that makes this song beautiful. Macam kureng feelnya. OK la kasi chance la nak tarikkkkk part last tu. Best vocal? will see.
SOO SWEATTTT. I'm sweating here dude, cut it already.
12. Hanyut (Faizal Tahir/ Audi Mok/ Faizal Tahir)
Nampaknya harga besi juga dah murah. Ramai pulak bawak props besi2, jaring2, cage. This song is great, no doubt. Vocal is great as well. Huyoooo masuk dalam air. Ada baldi ke kat situ? Baju basah jangan bukak bang. Nanti kena ban lagi. Hahaha. So far props ni paling hebat. Kudos.
13. Jahat (Stacy/ Edry Abdul Halim)
The shaolin getups were kinda cool actually. Too bad the song came out the end of the night, when the show has lost it's steam. Nevertheless, Stacy did bring it. Dah 3 kali dia masuk final, don't you think it's high time that she's awarded something. Best performance ke. Whatever the outcome is, good job Stacy!
14. Mencari Konklusi (Hujan/ Noh Hujan)
Again the orchestra sound great! Overall the music sound dramatic and loud, the way it should be I supposed, which is good. I think half of the audience is already asleep. So this should wake them up. I'm really disturbed with what the drummer is wearing on his face though. Otherwise, biasa aje performance ni.
Aku rasa yang tak menghampakan setakat ni Ramli MS and his orchestra aje.
Now comes the part that I have been waiting for. First up, K Pah. OMG! Ni la Vocal terbaik malam ni. Kau Tinggi Di Awan Biru, this song really blew me away! Finally something to save the night. Oh Di Mana, here comes the soul train. Layannnn. Bila pulak keluar Latif Ibrahim or Herry Amir! Hahaha. Wuhuuuuuuuu Sekebun Cintaaaaaaa!!! Tu dia Anggapanmu Ziana Zain. Vocal pun da bomb. I like! We can hear that the crowd is loving this. I shall ignore the baju yang over the top tu. Madah berhelah plak. For this segment so far, aku memang frust la tak dapat ticket nak tengok live :( Waaa.. Nampaknya ni pun akan join Nash pi jumpa doktor esok. Nasib boleh control lagi. Good job.
Alamak... CT.. buang tebiat nak bersilat pulak. OK, I'm not big on these kinda of songs. Boleh la.. Hmm lagu etnic lagi... Bring on Aku Cinta Padamu, let's go old school! Ye la vocal chops kau memang best. Dah macam konsert dia pulak, syok sendiri pun ada. Cindai ni ok. Aku suka juga. Tetiba nak berdance pulak makcik ni. Suka ati la beb. Yang kelakar tu bila kau geli hati sendiri bila step salah.
The result
Best Vocal - Hafiz (not bad)
Best Performance - FT (no surprise there)
3rd Song - Nohktah Cinta (eiiii)
2nd Song - Drama King
And the Silver Jubilee goes to.... (turns to be the biggest surprise of the night), Ana Rafali with Tolong Ingatkan Aku. Whoaaaa! Aku tetap kata idea nyanyi dalam sangkar tu budus. But I do agree, the song great. I was hoping Yuna bagged the title though. Congrats Ana!
Akhir kata, tolonglah tahun depan panggil aku jadi pengacara atau paling tak mintak tolong tulis script, after tonight with those three... anyone who can speak would've done a better job. Me included.
Good Night and Good Luck!