Sunday, March 11, 2012

Little Pocket of Happiness

Looking at how sux (to quote Penny Hartz, if I may) the year had kicked off, these little pocket of happiness have been keeping me sane (in no particular order):

1. Happy Endings (season 2 just got better)
2. Penny Hartz  (..Ding!) and Max Blum
3. Barney Stinson
4. My Ipod playlist
5. Winning 1 million Deal or No Deal on iPad.
6. Discovered an 'aMahzing' blog - hollywoodspinster
7. Visit to bakeries...for one of these bad boys. Yummeh! what's your current pocket of happiness?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Il est très beau! beau!

The guy who did not say a word won the Best Actor. Jean Dujardin!
Need I say more? *swoon fest*

.... ok enough!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Year of Adele

She's 23. She won 6 Grammys. What's that again? 6. Right
Her performance of Rollin in the Deep?

p/s: Lobes Glen Campbell with Rhinestone Cowboy as well