Sunday, March 11, 2012

Little Pocket of Happiness

Looking at how sux (to quote Penny Hartz, if I may) the year had kicked off, these little pocket of happiness have been keeping me sane (in no particular order):

1. Happy Endings (season 2 just got better)
2. Penny Hartz  (..Ding!) and Max Blum
3. Barney Stinson
4. My Ipod playlist
5. Winning 1 million Deal or No Deal on iPad.
6. Discovered an 'aMahzing' blog - hollywoodspinster
7. Visit to bakeries...for one of these bad boys. Yummeh! what's your current pocket of happiness?

1 comment:

collina firth said...

your friends make u happy too, right? esp after trip ke spa sesuatu? :P