Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blues at The Bridge!

Let the pictures do the talking:

Outside the stadium compound. Managed to get a tour in. The next day is a match with Man City and Chelsea won!

Leading to the musuem

Get to take a peek into the press room

The changing room is pretty bare. Hmm...

My favorite, the walk out to the pitch. Siap ada bunyi crowd tu.

This is the sight that greet us outside the tunnel. Wuhooo!

Where the special one use to sit ;)

Me, all smiley

Shed End, entrace for the visiting team supporters.

May Chelsea will be Champions again!


saya said...

en suami telah ajak pergi the game kat sini nanti, tapi timing sangatlah off yang akan membuat arrangement huru hara.. maka, pergilah dia dengan geng dia.. hmmm

zuned said...

lerrr.... if pegi boleh la kita menjadi rowdy together! aku beli tix yang murah je. hope x jadi mcm last time yg aku hangin gila takde parking tu! hehhe plan naik lrt je la.