2. Next on the agenda was supposed to be London's Tate Modern. We took a bus that actually pass thru the London Dungeon and London's Eye. Snap photos from the bus je la. As usual, we missed the stop. The sign said Tate Modern with an arrow pointing straight ahead. Ingatkan the next stop, rupanya tidak. Maka pusing2 la naik bus. We ended up at Covent Garden. Ada market selling knick knack paddy whack and fruits and stuff. Nature calls pulak. Nasib ada toilet. My sister went and bought a box of strawberry's for 1 pound. Sedap gila. Makan banyak lagi kang nak pi toilet la pulak.
So where to next? Malas pulak nak patah balik cari Tate Modern tadi. My sister suggest that we should check out Traffalgar Square during the day plak. Plus there's art musuem there as well. Tetiba ternampak pulak ada M&S kat situ, and I said NO! Or else we wll never finish the sight seeing.
3. We went into the National Portrait Gallery next. Partly sebab nak terkench lagi. But suddenly rasa macam best pulak. We sort of skip thru the place sebab bukan kenal sangat pun tah sape-sape orang-orang tu. The building was old yet very beautiful. Aku macam mesmerized kejap. Of course we spend more time at the gift shop other than any place kan. Tapi terasa la macam cultured campur ala-ala poyo kejap.
4. Next to the place is the National Gallery, London. If the Portrait Gallery had me charmed, yang ni totally blew me away! Terubat frust tak jumpa Tate Modern tadi. I shall blog separately about this. Seriously best gila! I could spend months in there (which is bull... but I will tell you about it later). The best part it's free! Those who plan to come to London, should stop by here. I have to say this place is one of the highlights of my holiday. Writing about it brings me back fond memories... sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
5. Sekarang sudah lapar. And we don't know where else to go but Jom Makan which is just next door to the gallery. How cool is that. Siap ada lunch buffet for 6.50 pound per person. Apa lagi. Mari melantak kawan-kawan!
6. Lepas tu, we walked to Trafalgar Square again. Dekat je. Nak ambik gambar dengan singa time terang plak. Ni la hasilnya attempt kitaorang nak masukkan singa and muka kitaorg berdua jugak. Jeles aku budak kecik tu dapat duduk dgn singa tu. Nak panjat tak larat!
7. Lepas tu it was back to Oxford Street to pay real homage to M&S. Shop till kedai tutup. Kejayaan hari ini ialah light coat yang super cool. Boleh la melaram esok. Punya la penat. Nasib ada cafe yang boleh duduk lepak. Sempat plak belasah hot chocolate yang sangat lazat penuh berkrim. And it comes with this super sweet thing call biscuit Curls (the brown thingy on the saucer). Deep it in...Sadap wa cakap lu.
8. That night, we went to try the nearby Fish and Chips. Fish and Chips yang dimasak oleh bangla. Hahaha. Besar gedabak portion dia. Yang aku punya tu macam sekor ikan. Terpengsan nak habiskan.
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