1. First stop today is Big Ben. Which is the clock tower at the Palace of Westminster which is also known as House of Parliament, along the River of Thames. We got out from the tube a little bit disoriented and looked around wondering where the heck we were. La rupanya dah sampai at Big Ben. Hahahah. We caught the clock chiming at 9am. Apa lagi, posing time.
2. 300 shots later, we made our way to Westminster Abbey where the Royal wedding took place. Dekat aje tapi kitaorg pusing-pusing sebab confuse tengok map. If masuk Amazing Race, definitely the first team to get kicked out.
3. 500 shots and counting, we walked towards Buckhingham Palace. Thru St. James Park. Konon nak menikmati the blooming flowers, instead we walked on the outside sebab the park is full of dogs. Finally reached the Palace and book a spot for the changing of the guards. Punyalah ramai orang. We found ourselves facing the main gate at the center and we are at the front. This doesn't happen often. Selalunya gagal la kan. OMG... memang nak give up dah pun. We stood there for 2 hours! Rupanya start around 12 mcm tu. Nak pengsan ok. Dah la tak makan.
And guess what, the ceremony took place in the palace compound, behind the gate. Tak nampak apa pun. Dapat la tengok guards marched in and out aje. Pastu ada la policeman yang patroling around the crowd blocking the view. Cist kau, Mr Plod. But he did gave everyone reminders about pick pockets. Aku pun dah boleh hafal line dia. That's how long we were there.
Finally it's showtime! I set my DSLR on multiple shot mode. Kalah paparazi. Tah berapa juta frame aku shoot kat situ aje. Memang la takde apa sangat benda tu. But if you are ever in London, do catch it once. Kalau orang tanya, boleh la cakap dah pernah pergi. The guard wore grey due to the cold weather. The red ones are for summer.
4. Arghh finally that was over. We rushed off to Chelsea sebab dah book tour. Hehe. This will be a posting on it's own. Can't believed that I actually made it to Stamfod Brigde.
5. After Chelsea, it was almost 5 kot. Still tak makan. I managed to grab some chunky fries or they call it chips while my sister went to kench. We don't want to get on the tube since it's tiring to go down the staircases. So opted to take a bus. Best siot! We sat on the top deck, camera ready. Nasib we got on the right direction. The bus pass thru the uber glam Chelsea/ Kensington area..berangan lagi. Then passed the Victoria and Albert musuem..."eh I want to go there tapi dah terlepas.." then the bus made a turn and up ahead is... Harrods. Turun turun. Nasib sempat.... but only to find it packed with human from every nook of the planet. Ramai gila. Tak larat nak tengok semua benda. Kat 1st floor lagi dah gagal. Tapi sempat la beli magnet. Hehehe.
6. Then we hop on the same number bus again. Heading towards Oxford Circus. Next on agenda is to visit this sports outlet at Oxford Circus, namanya Lilywhites. Sungguh suci nama itu. Suci dan tenang. NOT! It's a 6 floor crippling madness! Ok cripple part tu ialah aku. Nak tau rasanya macam mana? Challenge yourselves climbing 6 sets of staircases, carrying loads of stuff (including the 3 big bags that you just pull out from Chelsea Megastore), while holding your pee and being hungry at the same time. Tadi eksyen tak nak kencing.
Only with the last burst of adrenalin and a fleeting courage from my shopping demon that I managed to pull this thru. Serious macam nak kena renal failure. Kononnya nak beli jersey and cari running spike. Of course it had to be on the top floor la kan. Pastu stress sebab banyak sangat barang-barang best tapi aku tak berdaya nak tengok. Bila bercakap dgn orang pun aku dah memang menjerit-jerit macam orang gila (sebenarnya nak tahan kencing and tempat ni takde toilet!). Lagi gila bila kakak aku sibuk pulak nak beli boots (yang OMYGOD kat Malaysia pun dia dah ada, tapi haram tak pakai). Tah boots tu pun nak pakai pergi mana lepas ni. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR... nasib ada tempat nak duduk. Pergi la cari boot ke terompah ke capal ke apa tah yang dia nak beli.
Bior menyosal boli jangan menyosal tak boli!
7. When we got out, dah gelap dah. Dapat la ambik gambar kat Oxford Circus. Pastu ingat nak tengok West End show tapi dah lambat sangat plak. So kitaorg pun jalan la thru the west end area.. ingat nak cari bas nak balik... 30 mins later, we found ourselves outside this restaurant that says 'Jom Makan'. Allah telah memperkenankan doa aku. It's a Malaysian restaurant! Yipee. Next to the National Art Gallery. Tah sape la ownernya. Dapat la duduk dengan tenang. And yang paling penting, never in my life, I'm so thrill to find a toilet! It's warm and cosy!!! Hahahahah. Setelah menunaikan hajat, makan pulak beryani lamb, baru la batery recharged!
8. Jalan pulak ke Trafalgar Square and photo ops with the huge Lion Statue. Semua orang macam fit gila boleh panjat naik statue tu. Aku nak jalan pun tak larat, sorry la nak panjat memanjat ye. Gambar rupa macam haram sebab gelap.
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