Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 - In Reflection

The thing is that... I can't recall anything that I would like to reflect upon. My mind is still reeling with Malaysia winning the AFF Suzuki Cup. It will never get old, I tell you.

This is definitely my favorite moment in sports this year. Terbaaekkkk!

So instead, I just want to wish everyone a great 2011 ahead.

I shall conclude 2010, with this song...sebab Bon Jovi Live at Madison Square Garden is on 711, and they are playing this song. It's da bomb. May one day (in 2011 harapnya :)) dapatlah tengok depa ni live in action.

In These Arms - Bon Jovi

You want commitment
Take a look into these eyes
They burn as fire, yeah
Until the end of time

And I would do anything
I'd beg, I'd steal, I'd die
To have you in these arms tonight

Baby, I want you
Like the roses want the rain
You know I need you
Like the poet needs the pain

And I would give anything
My blood, my love, my life
If you were in these arms tonight

I'd hold you, I'd need you
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms

I'd love you, I'd please you
I'd tell you that I'll never leave you
And love you 'til the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight, oh yeah

We stared at the sun
And we made a promise
A promise this world
Would never blind us

And these were our words
Our words were our songs

Our songs are our prayers
These prayers keep me strong
And I still believe
If you were in these arms

I'd hold you, I'd need you
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms

I'd love you, I'd please you
I'd tell you that I'd never leave you
And love you 'til the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight

Your clothes are still scattered all over our room
This whole place still smells like your cheap perfume
Everything here reminds me of you
There's nothing I wouldn't do

And these were our words
They keep me strong, baby

I'd hold you, I'd need you
I'd get down on my knees for you
And make everything alright
If you were in these arms

I'd love you, I'd please you
I'd tell you that I'd never leave you
And love you 'til the end of time
If you were in these arms tonight

If you were in these arms tonight
If you were in these arms tonight
If you were in these arms, baby

Like the roses need the rain
Like the singles need to change
Like the poets need the pain
I need you in these arms tonight
If you were in these arms tonight

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Harimau Malaya - Champions!

Well Done Malaysia! Finally a team that brought the fans back to the stadium, a team that we can be proud of. May the young players continue to be level headed and keep this momentum going. Malaysia memang BOLEH!

(err...Say NO to any Kuda Tua or Double Prancing Pansies from now on, please!)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Beam Me Up, Scotty

Laser beam pun jadi issue. Kalau nak kalah tu kalah jugak. Read here

Lain kali pakai ray ban macam Cyclop ni ....

....supaya boleh concentrate main bola and tak jadi pusing macam ni.....

....tapi kalau dah malu sebab kalah tu, boleh la buat macam ni....

Wohhhooooo... ok la aku agree stop it with the lasers if it's going to kill the match's momentum. Tapi on the other hand, being pro footballers... itu pun boleh jadi distraction ke? IN YOUR FACE! Ambik kau, lepas berlagak nak walk off, kena 3 biji. Terbaeekk wa cakap lu.

Oh pembetulan, yang main ni bukan la 100% Harimau Muda. Tapi memang muda belaka la semua orang. Paling tua, no surprise no 17. So skuad ni Harimau Malaya. Iyolah.

Kudos tu no 9. He's a great playmaker. Paling tak tahan sebab muka dia selamba. Also kudos tu substitute no 26. Sorry la gelakkan janggut sejemput awak tu. Gol tu memang cun. Pendek kata, kudos la semua orang sebab tak menghampakan. Tak terkata semalam. Jerit, melompat, tergolek, terajang semua ada. Yang pasti, akak bangga uols sebab tak sia-sia letak Jalur Gemilang kat balkoni rumah.

Ha, untuk 2nd leg ni. Sila behave ok. Baca here. Kang main kat Bukit Jalil lagi, satu KL pergi kang langsung tak dapat tengok.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Serbuk Harimau Kuat

Kisahnya anak-anak sedaraku yang tak pernah tengok match bola di stadium. Kitaorang memang suka pergi tengok matches yang ada Malaysia main, baik bola sepak or hoki. Dulu selalu jugak pergi dengan Bapak. Yang suka sebab nak makan burger murah je..(tapi sekarang tak murah pun).

Tiba-tiba, skuad harimau lemau dapat masuk semi-final. Main di Bukit Jalil. Since ni cuti sekolah boleh la bawak the two boys pergi. Sebab malas nak drive, naik la LRT. Budak dua ekor ni excited gila. Dalam LRT, supporters Malaysia siap berjersi dah ramai dah. Sampai kat stadium, semua ternganga sebab lagi ramai orang. Atmosphere memang best. We can feel that everyone is pumped up. Siapa-siapa yang rasa tensen tu, patut pergi tengok untuk release tension. Boleh jerit sesuka hati, takde sape nak marah. Tapi kalau team yang disokong kalah, jangan pulak jadi lagi tension.

Masuk je stadium, tu dia... Malaysia hari tu main dengan 30,011 orang. 11 atas padang, 30,000 lagi kat stand. Dah lama tak dengar orang nyanyi lagu Negaraku punya semangat.

Since the word go, the supporters memang non stop bersorak. Every ball, every pass, every ref caution, every tackle, every flagged raised, every shalala, every whoa whoa, every shing-a-ling-a-ling, semua orang cheer on. Ok la cheer with a mix of "bodoh...PASS la...aarghhh..ref buta...oiiii...gilakee...apa...benda dia BUATTT tuuuu???...crossss...croossss....adooiiii....BOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

First half, score masih 0-0. Tapi lapar la pulak. Tadi eksyen tak nak beli siap-siap. Mak aiii... ramainya orang nak beli burger segala. Memang instant millionaire siapa jual burger malam tu. Mula-mula kitaorang duduk dekat goal Vietnam. So memang best dapat tengok Malaysia attack. 2nd half, pergi pulak duduk the other side. Betul-betul belakang goal.

2nd half Malaysia main pantas sikit. 1st goal score... the crowd went WILD!!! Eh.. tetiba disallowed pulak. Huh? (Ok aku rasa ni memang jahat la..) tapi, heheheh aku tak salahkan those yang baling botol kat lines man yang raised flag tu. Kuat betul tangan semua orang...boleh baling sampai ke padang. Whatever la... after that Malaysia scored another 2 goals. Tak boleh nak cerita betapa gembiranya semua orang. Baik yang kecik (macam ada adik depan kitaorang ni), sampai le ke pakcik-pakcik, makcik-makcik. Sorry la brother yang layan blues sorang-sorang depan kitaorang. Sebab aku jerit betul2 kat telinga dia. Hahahah.

Alamak! Adik ni pun pakai no 17 la... hahaha

Perasaan balik bila team menang ni lain. Semua orang senyum je. Dalam LRT pun masih lagi nak bersorak-sorak. Kesian orang-orang Betnam yang terpaksa berlakon-lakon macam orang Malaysia jugak dalam LRT tu. Everytime sampai stop, orang yang keluar cheered...orang dalam sambut... Hai, sakai jugak.

Overall, this team is pretty good. Though takde most of the main players. (Adakah ini menunjukkan the main players sebenarnya tak la berguna sangat? Erkk) The back 4 plus the keeper, I have nothing but respect. Memang depa main a tight game. Yang striker and midfield tu kadang-kadang tah apa2. Tapi stamina semua orang mmg bagus la. 90 minutes masih berlari lagi la.... So keep it up. To my surprise jersi no 17 tu main lagi. Ya salam... aku macam tercengang bila dia jadi super sub. Rupanya counterpart dia Mr Pamungkas pun still main lagi.

To Skuad Harimau Muda - may the force be with you tonight. Final ni kita orang support dari rumah je la. Hari ni kita akan pasang flag kat balcony. To those yang pergi stadium, hope everyone will be safe. Semangat-semangat jugak, tapi jangan la caught up in unnecessary fight dengan sakai-sakai yang keluar dari hutan tu.

Kepada anak-anak sedaraku, nanti kita pergi beli proper jersey. Takkan jersey Chelsea ada yang ori, jersey Malaysia nak beli yang ciplak punya.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

5A, 1A, 7B are not first class seats

When I saw the sms "Beb, 5A", I was thinking ... apa ke mabuk member aku cakap pasal seat dlm kapal terbang ni. It takes a few minutes to register that it was the UPSR result that I have been nagging her to check.

Hehehe... the joy of knowing the result and messing with the boy who is scared and worried for days. "Nanti Aunty Jun jangan ketawakan saya ye kalau saya nangis". Ok aku baik sikit la.. saying somewhere along... apasal pulak nak nangis. Dah habis pun examnya. Kakak aku lagi evil la kan, "Mesti la ketawakan.. heheheh".

Congrats bro!

Anugerah Athlete Harapan katanya. Nasib dapat 5A!

"Jika kau fikirkan kau boleh, kau pasti boleh melakukan. Nanti boleh la Standing in the Eyes of the World" (Caution: Jangan Poyo!)

And.. a few days back, the same friend delivered another good news. Result PMR Hanani pulak. 1A 7B. Not bad at all! Congrats Kakak!. Memandangkan ni Xmas, nanti Santa Claus akan pergi shopping and get you something.

To my friend, your help will still be needed. Ramai lagi ni anak sedara nak exam. Heheheh. Any peace offering bills, send it my way please. Thanks beb!

And to all... Merry Xmas! Ho Ho Ho

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bidding War

Takku sangka epal menjadi nangka.

I almost choked when I heard the news over the radio. Q won the bid to host 2022 World Cup. Nevermind the drama over who won bid for 2018, I'm more interested in this one. I got mixed feeling on this. Impressed, cynic and a touch of WTF.

Don't get me wrong, I do support their bid. Been there, did that, bought the t-shirt (and magnet) literally. Hmm come to think of it.. where the heck is my 2022 t-shirt. Read more about this here

Getting back to the point:

1. "Macam mana nak main dalam 50 degree in summer months? Gila ke". As my friend said, "Eh, depa banyak duit. Don't be surprised dia boleh buat stadium semua air-cond"

Believe it. They are planning to build 6 climate control stadiums. Oh, and there's someone in FIFA suggested, why don't the games be played in January/ Feb instead. My take on it, climate control stadium might be super cool, but it will be tough to fight the heat waves, sand storm and sudden migraine from the bursting heat outside the stadium and hotel.

Read more here

2. "Got Beer?". Alcohol is only served in hotels in Qatar. Will it be available at the venue? I hope they won't change the law on this. Nasib la kan, siapa nak minum, minum la air mineral ke Oren Rani(serious kuda sedap nak mampus!) ke kan. Even, per say if UK won the bid, I think they should ban alcohol as well. Nanti semua tu encourage orang jadi hooligan.

3. Live telecast - I'm disappointed to say that I did missed a few vital matches because there were no live telecast on TV. Kena subscribe tah channel apa tah. There were a few matches were shown halfway.. then tetiba jadi beach volleyball. Or was it handball. (OMG! Writing this is bringing back my angst!). So I had to resort to go and watch it at (not proud of this) kelab malam. Super sleazy ok. Tapi tak kisah la, ada super big screen, and food sedap.

I truly love what this guy wrote. Kelakar beruk.

Though they suck on the TV live telecast, but they do put a kick ass 'street party' for the games. Well, granted it was part of the 2022 bid, but check out the tent that they put up in Suoq Wakif. TV besar gila complete with tempat lepak. Fully air condition.

4. Tickets - Me and my colleague bought a ticket to watch the local league cup final. Memang la sampai lambat, tapi boleh we were refused addmission sebab stadium dah penuh. WTF? Ada ticket, patut boleh la masuk. It seems that is a norm. Bangsa dia suka hati masuk, ada ticket ke tak. Hamba abdi yang lain ada ticket ke takde ticket ke, boleh la balik rumah aje. How can they manage this during the WC nanti? There's about 10 years yet to educate themselves that the world doesn't revolve around them (try to tell that to the O&G company yang berlumba-lumba datang sujud kat depa, hahah), and other human beings have rights too. Especially if they pay for their tickets damn it!

Sudahnya hari tu, kitaorang posing-posing lemau aje la keliling stadium.

Sighhh... There was a colleague, a Q dude who had serious passion for football. He even wrote a few articles about footie in the local newspaper. I saw the clippings at his desk tapi haram tak paham sebab dalam bahasa Arab. I wonder what he must have felt about this. Most probably he will not be watching WC on his 50 inch 3D TV (kaya gaban!), comes 2022. Tah-tah jadi commentator kat TV. Tah-tah lagi jadi player or coach on Q team. Hahahah.

So will I return on 2022 to watch WC? Hanya Tuhan sahaja yang tahu. Kalau ada rezeki, apa salahnya :)

p/s: adakah ni telah membantu mereka menang bid itu? boleh dapat free flight ticket tak nak pi tengok nanti? :P