Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Di Mana Kan Ku Cari Ganti

We got invites to watch the live recording of the Konsert Penghargaan P. Ramlee Di Mana Kan Ku Cari Ganti that was shown on History Channel 555..When we saw the line of artist that was going to perform, ni tak boleh miss ni.

It was on 24th Oct. On the same day of our flight from Bali. Kalah YB, rushing here and there. The concert were held at DBKL Auditorium. We parked at the basement.... somewhere near datuk bandar's designated spot. Rasanya kitaorg park kat pengarah pokok tumbang ke (something like that kot) punya spot. Hehehhe.

We were seated on the 2nd row from the stage. Ingat duduk tepi selamat la... rupanya ada pulak camera tu kat situ. Maka kena la buat game face sepanjang malam. Dah la dengan tak mandinya aku pergi. Pulak tu kitaorg duduk sebelah makcik yang super enthusiastic. Aku rasa banyak kali camera tu capture makcik tu. Memang berdoa supaya tak nampak batang idung kitaorg.

A few of the performance was good. Yang lain biasa-biasa aje. Ada yang kena a few take. Dah masuk repeat yang no 3, rasa macam nak nangis pun ada. Tak kisah la. I'm here to enjoy P Ramlee's work. Siapa pun nyanyi, tetap sedap. Pastu, curi-curi ambik gambar, tapi mostly goyang.

Below were the few yang elok

In the last picture, the girl in pink is P Ramlee's cucu. She did a great job on Bunyi Gitar. At the end of the night, aku cuma frust takde siapa nyanyi lagu ni:

Gelora by P Ramlee and Saloma (from Seniman Bujang Lapok, 1961)

Jiwa rasa gelora
Kasih pada teruna
Bukan kerna intan permata
Kerna budi bahasa

Kasih bukan paksaan
Sayang bukan mainan
Jiwa dan raga jadi taruhan
Ooooo pujaan

Rinduku padamu
Kekanda idamanku

Kekasih dikaulah
Oh! adinda puspitaku

Murni sungguh impian
Indah nian harapan

Jika tercipta taman kencana
Ooooo bahagia

Rinduku padamu
Kekanda idamanku

Kekasih dikaulah
Oh! adinda puspitaku

Murni sungguh impian
Indah nian harapan

Jika tercipta taman kencana
Ooooo bahagia
Ooooo kekanda

Ooooo adinda


rahimah rahim said...

meh karok lagu ni jom!

eh kelambu apa kak pah pakai tu? interbiu sikit

Juned said...

Si Gadis Bunga,

Karok jgn tak karok.

Tu bukan kelambu la.. tu outfit principal Hogwarts next year!