Saturday, January 14, 2012

1st Concert for 2012

Yes, it's Awie & Ella... at Istana Budaya no less.

There are 6 shows, and we chose the one in the afternoon. Macam tak kuasa nak keluar malam-malam and nak cari parking kat Istana Budaya tu kan. It's not that it does not have enough parking, it's just that there's no parking at all! Apakah all cultured people (kononnya) nak watch arts-whatnot-kesenian, naik helikopter nak pergi sana? Or naik bas atau kayuh basikal mungkin? Apakah.

Ahh who cares...

We only care about the show! And what a show it was. 2 hours non stop of songs upon songs. Awie and Ella playing tag entertaining the audience. No intermission. Bak kata Awie pun, boleh kena buasir! For the first time for a long time, I didn't even record any songs on my phone, sebab nak concentrate punya pasal. Dah la sekarang ni acik-acik kat Istana Budaya dah pakai laser beam power zass. Siapa-siapa yang nak capture picture or record anything kena la pancaran laser.

The concert is suppose to start at 3. Tapi biasa la, pukul 3 tak penuh pun lagi. Memang tak paham bahasa. I suppose half of them got free tickets, so suka hati la nak datang pukul berapakan. Macam open house gitu. The show start at 3.10pm. Nasib baik... kalau tak dah nak terlelap dah. Ada jugak orang yang masuk dekat 4.30pm. Salah print apa ticket? Tergangu aku nak feeling-feeling.

Awie and Ella was not disappointing at all. Very impressive energy and vocal performance, though they already had 2 shows before. I suppose back then, to make it, you must really, really have the chops. Suara depa memang maintain! Speaking of maintain, Ella tersangat la slim! 45 years old looking fine..Damn!

My favorite song? From Awie... most probably Tragedi Oktober. Oh of course, Iris! Then from Ella, (since she didn't sing 'menyonsong matahari' aku), perhaps Sembilu... it's because she got down and run around the crowd. That got everyone in shrieking frenzy. I also love Pengemis Cinta arranagements. And the closing ... I lobes Gemilang and Terima Kasih. Seronok dapat jerit2 macam orang gila. I just wish that Ella sang Permata Biru instead of Awie.

Akhirkata, boleh tak saya nak tahu saloon mana Edrie, Ella and Awie pergi? Edrie dengan Ella... sebab rambut is to die for! Gila cantik ok. Err... Awie.. supaya aku tak pergi kedai tu :P ..heyy but I'm still a fan!

Dengar kata lepas ni Anuar and Ziana pulak. Dah perform kat Espalande, Singapore... takkan tak nak perform kat Istana Budaya ;)

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