Thursday, November 1, 2012

Train Live in KL, 16th June 2012 at KL Live

It had never occurred to me that I will get to listen to Drops of Jupiter! Well, Train came to KL. Yipeeeeeeeeeee. It will be a small event I guess, since it will at KL Live. Lagi small lagi bagus, senang nak tengok semua orang. But then, semua standing aje la pulak. Can I survive this?

Nak tak nak kena la survive kan. Heheh so it was a Saturday. Nak brave the traffic satu hal lagi. Tapi nasib jalan clear. We parked at the next building to KL Live.. LifeCenter.. whatever you call it. Kejap aje dah penuh parking. Nak keluar dari parking kena naik tangga pulak. Kugagahi jua. Nak masuk KL Live.. tangga lagi. Sabar je la..

Right, we're in. Lepak kat belakang aje. Malas la nak berasak2 kat depan. Susah jugak standing only ni. Sebab if terstuck belakang orang yang tinggi, dah tak nampak.

On cue, Train took the stage. And wow the crowd. Nampaknya semua orang tahu lagu-lagu depa, kecuali aku (as usual). Marry Me was practically sung by the crowd. Heheheh. In between the set, ada pulak si Pat baling free t-shirt pulak to the crowd. Unfortunately we are too far nak berebut. And he was very sporting as well... siap ambik some phone from the front row, and took a shot of himself and the crowd. Sape yang dapat tu, mesti tak tido malam ni.

According to Pat, Train don't do encore. Tak sempat aku nak beli twisties hehehe. Here comes the moment that we have been waiting for. Drops of Jupiter. PERGHHHHHHHHH. best gila. And before you know it. Dah habis dah. The concert was short but it's definitely not a drive by ;). At the end of the nite, Train was giving out a guitar that was Pat was using while performing... Whhhhaaaattttttt????? And the band had put their signature on it... WHhhhhaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttt. Andddd... he gave it to... (wait for it...) ... ME! Whhhaaaaattttttttttttt? Hahahhah of course not. Pat choose a little girl from somewhere in the front row. Adik sape la tu. Dik kalau kau tak nak guitar tu bagi akak dik.

I wonder adik.. tu dah pandai main ke tak guitar tu eh?

p/s: ada gambar from the concert but it's in my phone..tunggu la lagi sepuluh tahun aku nak download and post it here..

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