Thursday, July 31, 2008

Truly WTF!

Proevents - The Best Sports Promoter in Asia - Kepala Hotak Kau Berjambul!
It's almost 2 days that the game was over, tapi hangin aku masih tak sudah. Pakal aje sebab si Cantik Tertarik Kau Memang da Bomb, kalau tak ...
The organizer of Chelsea coming to Malaysia failed tremendously! The only two things that they can be proud of are: 1) no chelsea player was dead/injured/kidnapped while in Malaysia and 2) no one kill them (organizers) yet.
1. Autograph signing at Adidas Pavilion
Ballack came for a mere 5 secs. Signing autographs? forget it, nak ambik gambo pun tak dapat. Half of the crowd was not aware who just came and left.
2. Training session at Stadium Shah Alam
No one get to come close to the players. No autograph signing. Nak ambik gambo... only the press get to come near.. and BLOCKING The view of the fans. Termasuk la jugak security of the stadium yang sibuk posing2 tepi padang. The fans semua dok nganga aje! Penipuan betul.
3. The match night
This is the bitter icing of the cake. NO ONE SAID IF YOU BUY THE RM103 TICKETS, YOU WOULD HAVE TO FIGHT FOR SEATS. Oh wait... what seats? The RM103 area was mostly RESERVED for MAXIS and HENEIKEN party???? A huge no of people had to stand and fight the crazy crowd to look for seats. I gave up earlier, so got a place behind the goal post... though my tickets said GRANDSTAND. APAKEJADAH?
4. Parking
Kalau orang tanya aku kenapa football in Malaysia tak maju. Here's one of the factor. Stadium was build with proper facilities which includes parking bay. Tapi facilities tak digunakan sepenuhnya. Ada 7 juta parking bay, 300 parking entrance kat stadium shah alam tu. Tapi untuk memudahkan semua yang hadir (lebih kurang 40 ribu dlm i dunno maybe 10 ribu kereta), hanya SATU entrance sahaja dibuka. Iaitu di "station komuter di Subang Jaya". Setelah park kereta silalah jalan berbatu-batu untuk sampai ke stadium. Andaikata mati di tgh jalan, baguslah sebab ticket utk RM103 sebenarnya dah oversold pun. Kurang sket orang nak berebut tempat. Macam mana la orang nak datanag sokong tgk bola? Macam ni punya hassle?
Nak parking depan stadium, kena ADA STICKER, kata polis yang ketuk-ketuk cermin kereta aku. STICKER APA YE? ADA BANYAK STICKER KAT CERMIN TU.
My question lagi, kenapa aku dpt info sape beli ticket RM103, please proceed to quadrant A, which near parking bay A, tapi aku kena park dekat bay Z? Kalau cakap awal-awal, boley la aku naik helicopter aku and land betul-betul sebelah Malaysia's team dug out /bench area and salam-salam dengan KJ. Tak payah la aku tawaf shah alam 4-5 kali nak cari parking. BODOHHHH.
5. Parking bay lagi
Dah la satu je parking area disediakan. Kena bayar RM2 pulak. Aku tanya kat brader parking tu, RM2 je? Tak nak ke RM20.
Tak ada lampu. Gelap gelita macam nak berperang. Tahniah kepada kerajaan Selangor sebab menyediakan satu lagi tempat utk org senang kena rompak, rogol, kereta kena curi. Dalam gelap tu jugak la aku tukar jersey.
6. Nak check ticket kat pintu masuk
Why even bother? Orang main hentam aje duduk mana2. Brader yang tahan aku kononnya nak check aku ada bawak barang ke tak, telah dihadiahkan JELINGAN MAUT LAVA BERAPI TAHAP ke 7 dari aku. Dah lama aku hangin macam ni. Who wouldn't if you just walked from "Subang Jaya" and after looking for parking for nearly 2 hours??
so, Proevents - The Best Sports Promoter in Asia?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

I'm feeling BLUES - T-Minus 3

Chelsea is coming to town. In fact, agaknya they have arrived. Here's my chance to get up close and personal with si Cantik Tertarik Kau Memang da Bomb!

So far this is what I know of their activities

- meet and greet with fan club at Palace of The Golden Horses on Sunday

- autograph signing at Pavilion on Monday

- training session in Shah Alam on Monday

- the match against Malaysia on Tuesday.

Wah Terlebih Sudah! Though aku terexcited yang teramat, aku still mengharap ticket free. Tapi malas nak masuk apa-apa contest. Anyhoo, look who has two passes to the training session on Monday

Yippeeee. This is courtesy of The Star. Setelah aku bayo RM38 for a month subscription. Oh yeah. Sanggup pergi OU to get them.

Check out Joe Cole smoldering at the back!

Maka for this 3 days all my efforts will go towards attending as much of the events surrounding Chelsea as possible. Doakan kejayaanku untuk drive dari Pavilion to Shah Alam on Monday during rush hour. Plus aku keje pulak tu. Living on the edge!

If only this same passion and effort I would put into my work ..... ****YAwnNNN***

Song of the week:

- Kasih : versi Tanjung (Jangan Lupa Lirik, hehehehhehe)

- Melara Jiwa by Ziana Zain (power to the Rock Melayu! Kegembiraan menyanyikan lagu ini selepas mendapat pass free tgk Chelsea training adalah tidak ternilai!)

Dah la, aku nak tgk Tanjung. Hope he will win more money.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

ER - Paging for Dr Carter

Hah, malangnya tak dtg pun Dr Carter..... Dr Dorian pun tarak apatah lagi McDreamy. Yang ada McDreary.

Ceritanya, a simple medical checkup turn to be a 12 hour drama in the ER at a nearby hospital near our place. Kakak aku pi medical check up on Tuesday, tapi the doctor found that her BP was high. Asked her to come in the next day, sama cerita jugak. So the doctor referred her to go to a hospital.

At the hospital, semua out patient kena register at the ER. So pergi la.. tak la ramai sgt org. After 30 minutes or so, dapat la kakak aku menghadap doctor. Same case her BP is hitting the roof. Average 160/130. According to the doctor, patutnya boley collapse anytime. Tapi takde pulak symptoms like pening or blurred vision. Boley jalan2 kat Jalan Tar lagi semalam. And because of that, she has put under observation kat ER trasition ward or whatever they call it. Masa tu dah pukul 3 pm.

Ingatkan sekejap la. Aku ni duduk la tercongok kat luar. Setelah tido2 ayam dan mengigau 2-3 kali, I felt that it's time for me to hunt for my sister. Her phone is with me, so kena la mengadventure and cari dia. Setelah bermain treasure hunt dengan beberapa kaunter pertanyaan, I was allowed to enter the ER pit to look for my sister. So aku pun melawat la dari satu tirai ke satu tirai, baru la aku nampak kakak aku tersengih2 baring atas katil. Dia la nampak paling sihat sekali kat situ. Rupanya, dari 2 jam tadi macam-macam manusia dah masuk ER tu. Dari yang OD, dari makcik yang asyik panggil nurse, dari yang macam dah nazak dan sebagainya semua dah come and go. Pun begitu, BP kakak aku masih lagi all time high.

So far doctor dah try 2 type of pills, tapi tak turun jugak BPnya. Nurse tu cakap kat aku, "Ha pelik ni tak turun2 jugak BP dia. Patutnya dah turun ni." Ya right, if it only will. Aku pun balik la dulu, sebab rumah sekakang kera aje dari hospital tu.

Pukul 8 malam datang balik, same story. Doctor dah nak tukar shift pulak. Aku tanya boleh tak balik, esok je datang balik. Jawapan yang diterima macam la jawapan dari sessi debat hari tu. Orang tanya A, dapat jawapan 1,2,3. Poning kopala acik. Now dah 5 jam kat ER.

Aku pun pergi makan dulu. Sebelum tu singgah pulak farmasi sebab nak beli BP monitor. Farmasis tu beriya la nak suruh aku test. Sekali tgk2, BP aku pun sama naik jugak tinggi. Nyonya tu pulak dah mengelabah takut aku tetiba kena stroke kat depan kabinet jual panadol dia. 2-3 kali dia ambik BP aku, sampai berbirat lengan. Sama je la tinggi menggapai langit. Pun begitu, my dad bought the machine so that lepas ni kitaorg boley la check sendiri kat rumah. And boley la anak2 sedara aku main doktor-doktor dengan lebih hebat lagi.

Pergi balik ER dah pukul 10. No changes. Cuma orang makin pelik-pelik pulak masuk ER. Ada yang demam, yang accident, yang baby tak berhenti nangis. Lagi la BP kakak aku naik. By now we are bored. Aku dah start play around with the BP monitor and tah apa2 lagi equipments yang ada kat situ. Nasib baik tak kena halau keluar. Sekali lagi plea bargin kita orang nak keluar tidak di layan. So my sister had to stay behind. Kononnya the ER doctors dah ask for medical consult. So supposedly nanti ada doctor lain pulak datang check. Kitaorang pun balik la kejap pukul 11pm.

Pukul 1am, kakak aku call. Jangankan medical doctor nak datang, nurse check BP pun takde. We went there again and berborak sambil mengcheck out the competition in the ER. Semua pelakon2 nampaknya dah bertukar. Kakak aku aje la fixed variable dari petang tadi. So lepas ojus dengan bapak aku, aku la kena pergi check dengan doctor yang on duty. Tengok2 dia tengah tulis report sambil lukis gambo2 paru-paru ada dotted2. Ok not good. Retreat! Retreat!

Nampak pulak doktor sorang ni yang tengah check patient sebelah katil kakak aku. Setelah buat muka paling desprate dan berckp dgn suara yang paling lemah, doktor tu kata dia tak tau apa-apa sebab dia bukan doktor utk kakak aku. Terima Kasih. Lain kali jangan duduk depan aku kalau tak nak kena tanya. But maybe doktor dah sound doktor yang on duty. So kejap lagi, doktor tu pun datang lagi dengan soalan... "Ahh... tak turun lagi eh BP". Ya, tidak turun lagi sejak 10 jam tadi. So doktor tu pun call la medical consult yang tak kunjung tiba tu. The next move is to take another pil and see how it goes.

Alhamdulillah, nasib baik this one works. The BP stabilizes around 140/100 and dropping. So boley la discharge. Doktor yang tadi tu asyik la nak bercakap dengan aku. After a few minutes or so... eh, salah orang. Right. Takpe la. Disebabkan dia dah bagi discharge, kalau dia sepak aku pun takpe. Aku terima dengan rela hati, asal tak payah lagi stay kat ER tu. Maka at 3am in the morning, kitaorg pun dengan bangganya melangkah keluar dari pintu neraka.

But then, lepas ni kakak aku kena stay on medication. Dah join the junky club dengan ayahanda. Takpela.. asal selamat. Dalam masa 12 jam penyeksaan itu, macam2 la dia bertaubat, tak nak mkn KFC, McD, kerepek, dan tah apa2 dalam fridge kitaorg. Heheheheh, pagi tadi aku suruh makan quacker oats, dia kata macam dedak ayam. Oh well, lepas ni kitaorg semua kena la bersenam dan eat right. Semoga dia lepas la medical check up ni, supaya boley la start keje.

Anyway, she's ok. Check BP on the machine pun dah ok. Pagi tadi kena pergi ambik ubat at the hospital. Pagi buta tadi, farmasi hospital tu dah tutup. And as a way to cheer her up, Allah sent a special package to her this morning. Menang contest apa ke benda tah. Satu rumah excited sebab besar plak kotak dia. Wah, terlebih sudah! Check out what she won:

Kimora Lee Simmons Special edition collector's Barbie doll. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAH! lagi HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA! Check it out, there's only 12,500 made worldwide. Mungkin satu hari nanti boley auction at eBay. FABULOUSITY, nyah!

p/s: ada dapat gym bag jugak. Tapi ayahanda dah pau dulu.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Go Go Gadget!

Little that I expected, that 2008 turns out to be a gadget year. No. Not talking about Inspector Gadget. Talking about my gadgets.

Well, I did plan to buy a laptop since last year. Kononnya nak memblog sgt la. But these past few months, macam bertambah pulak gadgets aku.

Presenting my Ipod Touch - ITouch or known as IpodeII. IpodeI (which was a 30GB video ipod) was passed over to my sister. I couldn't resist this. Bought it off from a friend who sold it lower than the market price. No black market here. She got it free from office, so jual kat aku. Mekasih! First video uploaded: Midnight Train to Georgia from American Idol final show.

And yesterday, gatal beli a new digital camera plak. Macam la ada pokok cili berdaun emas tumbuh kat balkoni aku. Adoii. Takde la hebat sgt camera ni. Sixteen year olds would love it. Like totally! But it does have 4Gb internal memory, comes with a touch screen and have Paint apps embedded in, so that you could edit the pictures on the camera itself. Plus I just found out that you could download songs to it, so that you could add to the slide shows on the camera itself. Right, I think my old camera could do that as well.. saje je nak sedapkan hati :P. Oh well, I have been eyeing the camera for a long time. It was tagged at RM1,399 when it first came out. I bought it yesterday at RM999. Tak dapat acik nak nolong do!

Starting from this blog, I want to keep track of my favorite song of the week. Sesungguhnya takde keje.

1. Goodbye to Romance - Ozzy Osbourne - lyrics click here

2. Good Life - Kanye West feat. T-Pain (yeowzaa!) - lyrics click here

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Senandung Semalam

Friday 27 Jun 2008 - the start of my "summer" holiday. 8 days away from madness in the office.Started it off with a charity concert (for Lung cancer foundation) by Alleycats at Istana Budaya. Oh Yeah, kicking it old school way.

I think I was amongst the first ones to purchase the tickets. Coz I got the cheppo ones. RM35 a piece. Lepas tu tgk kat dlm paper, cheapest ticket is RM50. Bangga banget. We got there early. The whole row only the 5 of us aje yg duduk. Tak kisah la seat kat atas langit pun,janji boley dengar.

My sisters and I had a bet, who could guess the first song that they will play? Aku la yang menang. They opened with Senandung Semalam. At the first stroke of the orchestra ( the band was acompanied by Orkestra Simfoni Kebangsaan - bawah pimpinan Eddie Marzuki), I knew that every cents of the RM35 is going to be worth it.

"Berirama senandung semalam
Ku terkenang peristiwa silam
Di mana aku dan si dia
Cinta benar cinta"

Memang - cinta benar cinta. They sound SO BRILLIANT. The audience went wild. OK aku went wild. The rows in front of us siap pusing belakang sbb tetiba terdengar aku dah menjerit macam school girl. Who wouldn't at the sight of the band in full white suits! A definite "bukak baju" moment. I kid you NOT. A dude on the first row ( err on the first floor, gue kat 3 rd floor) got to sing a few verse with David. Ceh. Dasar jantan karaoke!

The completed the set as followed:
- Layang-layang terputus talinya
- Hingga Akhir Nanti
- Hatiku Terguris Lagi
- Andainya Aku Pergi Dulu (seriously, apa ke rupa pohon cemara ni?)

It was then a tribute for Loga segment. They invited a top names to sing songs that were originally sang by Loga. Friday it was Jac Victor, Saturday was Liza Hanim and Sunday was Adibah Noor. How did Jac do? Well, old school should always remain old school. All I can say was, kurengggg. Takde feel.Anyway, she sang:
- Nota Terakhir
- Hatiku Kau Luka
- Suratan

Then it was an intermission. We went came back, keluar Hattan pulak. Pulak dah. Dude, what's with the sunnies? Tak kuasa! If tadi kurengggg.. ni KUREENGGGGGG with all capital letters. Rasa macam tekanan perasaan yg amat. He sang:
- Kasih Kau dan Aku
- Sekuntum Mawar Merah ( he claimed that he managed to bring the song to a different level. Wonder if he meant, several level lower than it was). His version was suppose to have bluesy vibe.. but what I hear is just a cat being strangled. Sad... I thot this was the song which the orchestra outdid themselves. Vocal - down in the drain in the tong sampah.
- Kerana (thank god, David came out and sang duet with him)
- Setahun Sudah Berlalu (my favorite of the nite! though it's duet between the two of them again)

Perhaps it was the emotion that was put into the song, tetiba aku rasa lirik dia macam best
"Setahun sudah berlalu
Februari muncul kembali
Dengan kehangatan semalam
Tanpa ku sedari
Ku petik mawar merah
Ku tulis sekuntum puisi
Tapi sayang pada siapa kan ku beri"

Then it was back with the band again. Ahh.. senang hati aku.
- Suara Kekasih
- Tiap yang Mula
- Seribu Bintang
- Senyumlah Kuala Lumpur (lagu wajibku di Karaoke)
- Jika Kau Bercinta Lagi

and... tak cukup rukun kalau tak nyanyi

- Sampaikanlah Salam
DA BOMB! Mmg best!

Here's Senyumlah Kuala Lumpur courtesy from Nusantaraku at

Here's Nota Terakhir sbb ada org tu nyanyi tak best. This is how it's done! (courtesy of 5band at

p/s: esok tu aku muntah segala isi perut 4 kali sampai tak pergi annual dinner office. Adoii!