Sunday, July 6, 2008

Senandung Semalam

Friday 27 Jun 2008 - the start of my "summer" holiday. 8 days away from madness in the office.Started it off with a charity concert (for Lung cancer foundation) by Alleycats at Istana Budaya. Oh Yeah, kicking it old school way.

I think I was amongst the first ones to purchase the tickets. Coz I got the cheppo ones. RM35 a piece. Lepas tu tgk kat dlm paper, cheapest ticket is RM50. Bangga banget. We got there early. The whole row only the 5 of us aje yg duduk. Tak kisah la seat kat atas langit pun,janji boley dengar.

My sisters and I had a bet, who could guess the first song that they will play? Aku la yang menang. They opened with Senandung Semalam. At the first stroke of the orchestra ( the band was acompanied by Orkestra Simfoni Kebangsaan - bawah pimpinan Eddie Marzuki), I knew that every cents of the RM35 is going to be worth it.

"Berirama senandung semalam
Ku terkenang peristiwa silam
Di mana aku dan si dia
Cinta benar cinta"

Memang - cinta benar cinta. They sound SO BRILLIANT. The audience went wild. OK aku went wild. The rows in front of us siap pusing belakang sbb tetiba terdengar aku dah menjerit macam school girl. Who wouldn't at the sight of the band in full white suits! A definite "bukak baju" moment. I kid you NOT. A dude on the first row ( err on the first floor, gue kat 3 rd floor) got to sing a few verse with David. Ceh. Dasar jantan karaoke!

The completed the set as followed:
- Layang-layang terputus talinya
- Hingga Akhir Nanti
- Hatiku Terguris Lagi
- Andainya Aku Pergi Dulu (seriously, apa ke rupa pohon cemara ni?)

It was then a tribute for Loga segment. They invited a top names to sing songs that were originally sang by Loga. Friday it was Jac Victor, Saturday was Liza Hanim and Sunday was Adibah Noor. How did Jac do? Well, old school should always remain old school. All I can say was, kurengggg. Takde feel.Anyway, she sang:
- Nota Terakhir
- Hatiku Kau Luka
- Suratan

Then it was an intermission. We went came back, keluar Hattan pulak. Pulak dah. Dude, what's with the sunnies? Tak kuasa! If tadi kurengggg.. ni KUREENGGGGGG with all capital letters. Rasa macam tekanan perasaan yg amat. He sang:
- Kasih Kau dan Aku
- Sekuntum Mawar Merah ( he claimed that he managed to bring the song to a different level. Wonder if he meant, several level lower than it was). His version was suppose to have bluesy vibe.. but what I hear is just a cat being strangled. Sad... I thot this was the song which the orchestra outdid themselves. Vocal - down in the drain in the tong sampah.
- Kerana (thank god, David came out and sang duet with him)
- Setahun Sudah Berlalu (my favorite of the nite! though it's duet between the two of them again)

Perhaps it was the emotion that was put into the song, tetiba aku rasa lirik dia macam best
"Setahun sudah berlalu
Februari muncul kembali
Dengan kehangatan semalam
Tanpa ku sedari
Ku petik mawar merah
Ku tulis sekuntum puisi
Tapi sayang pada siapa kan ku beri"

Then it was back with the band again. Ahh.. senang hati aku.
- Suara Kekasih
- Tiap yang Mula
- Seribu Bintang
- Senyumlah Kuala Lumpur (lagu wajibku di Karaoke)
- Jika Kau Bercinta Lagi

and... tak cukup rukun kalau tak nyanyi

- Sampaikanlah Salam
DA BOMB! Mmg best!

Here's Senyumlah Kuala Lumpur courtesy from Nusantaraku at

Here's Nota Terakhir sbb ada org tu nyanyi tak best. This is how it's done! (courtesy of 5band at

p/s: esok tu aku muntah segala isi perut 4 kali sampai tak pergi annual dinner office. Adoii!

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