Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dryerku sakit

Amongst all the appliances in my house, the dryer is my favorite! The joy of not having to hang 30 kg of wet clothes is uncomparable! Tiada bandingannya. Tak payah nak risau hari nak hujan ke ada space nak sidai ke.

But on Sunday, I got a terrible news. Dah la the night before kerja and tak tido due to MAJOR problems at work. The dryer won't start! Oh tidak! Did it finally breakdown and having a strike due to my endless load of clothes?

So I went home and take a look at it. The start button just won't stick. You need to jam something to make it stuck. Adoi! I rummage thru my drawers to look for it's warranty card, but I don't think it's still under warranty. Dah setahun lebih dah. So I look up the net instead to look for Ariston Malaysia and it's contact number.

Yippee... manage to speak to someone, and they pass me to the Service Center. Yeay! Someone is coming over to have look at the dryer. "You know aa the service charge is RM70, parts additional" Yes yes.. I don't care. Do you not hear that the dryer won't start? My world is falling apart here.. (while I ignore the pile of laundry that is starting to build up)

So, yesterday the service dude came over. I was a little bit anxious sbb dia lambat. But 45 minutes later he arrives at my doorstep.

Repair dude :" Mana you punya dryer?"
Me (slightly bowing): " Di belakang (tuan doktor)"
Repair dude: " Ok apa masalahnya?"
Me: "Tak mau nak start la.. tgk I push button ni.. dia start tapi lepas tu dia stop balik"
Repair dude: "Hmmmm..."
Me: (please don't say it's really dying... erk)
Repair dude: "Oh.. ini dia punya relay board bla di bla di bladerbash blee blu bla....rosak"

Ok stand back, he's opening it up. 2 screw and the top is off. Oooo some circuit board is faulty. And he brought the part with him. 5 minutes later, done. My dryer came alive as it should.

Repair dude : "Ok service charge Rm70, ini part Rm 180. Semua RM250"
Me: (cursing in my heart... Celaka, tak sampai 5 minit, RM250? WHAT the F)

Tapi takpe la... yang penting dryerku kembali alive and spinning. I still owe my father for RM100. But it's worth it I suppose. I'm off to do laundry now :)


Anonymous said...

my server-sized dryer(yg bkn ariston) still ok walau after 6y, tp kdg2 xmo stop automatically; translating to electricity (money) wasted.
5mins=250, sama cipan dgn plumbing job rumahku once, 10m=180. suckers! kalau aku skilled, dah tukar career. then again, mungkin cikgu2 kemahiran hidup will have a side job option :)

Anonymous said...


Mana la kemahiran hidup ada belajar parts dryer? Kalau ada pun, mana la pulak aku nak pergi cari circuit board yg rosak tu.

Skang ni if reti nak buat sendiri pun malas... heheheh. Ada paip dripping kat bilik air aku tak fix lagi. Sighh

Anonymous said...

aku still ada notion yg cikgu kh will know how to fix segalanya! tetiba teringat mike dlm desperate h-wives

Anonymous said...

i knew i shud have bought the dryer. ok, i'm saving for that and putting in 1st on my wish/must buy list. hehehehe.