Friday, January 16, 2009

2009 so far...

16 days and counting. What's been happening so far?

1. Canopy Walk at FRIM

In the spirit of nak lebih byk bersenam, me and my friend telah pergi FRIM in Kepong. On 1 Jan 2009. What a way to celebrate new year. All the party revellers still terbongkang atas katil, kitaorg dah out and about. Sepanjang zaman sekolah dulu, tak pernah pulak aku pergi sana. Such a fascinating place. Ingatkan mcm tak mencabar la jalan kat sana. I was so wrong! The jungle tracking memang seronok sebab tak panas sangat. But the climb towards the canopy walk, mmg kalau tak fit boleh nak tergolek. Which happen to me a few times. Masa naik canopy walk tu telah ketakutan, tetiba rasa macam nak nangis. Serious kepala lutut macam nak tercabut. What the heck were we thinking? Hahahahha. Oh well, next stop - attempting Batu Caves and rafting?!

2. Another Bangkok trip

Masa tengah fighting cardiac arrest while climbing the hills at FRIM, a friend smsed me ajak temankan dia to Bangkok. Well, she said the magic word - "aku belanja", so I said "boleh saje". Setelah menshuffle timetable aku kat office, I flew off with my friend to Bangkok. The airport is back normal. And yes, this time around dapat makan tomyam sebab ada orang bring us around. They were such great hostess. We even watched LadyBoy carbaret show. Sila la google sendiri to find out what that is. We also went to a hair salon nak cuci rambut, and came out berposing maut tepi jalan sebab perasan dengan rambut sendiri.

The whole Bangkok still thinks I'm a Thai. Maybe I should learn Thai one of these days. We stayed at a hotel called Rex Hotel. The room was newly refurbished and makes it looked grand despite that the hotel still looks like a Jefferi Zain movie setting circa 1970s. Our breakfast coupon are typed using.. an old school typewriter ok! They still call the tempat makan Coffee House! Tapi itu semua tak lawan the frickin huge glass that allows you to see through to the bedroom.. from the toilet! Nasib kitaorang berdua tak pengsan dan dan tu jugak. The potter was trying to calm us down in Thai (which doesn't help) when he saw the two of us nearly macam nak kena fit bila nampak cermin tu. Things calm down when we hear the word....BLINDERRR. Oh, the world is a better place again. Nasib ada blinder nak tutup cermin tu.

3. Wayne Bridge left the Bridge

I always like Wayne Bridge. There's always time that I think he's a better player than Ashley Cole. He transfered to Man City. A good move for him I would say. Goodbye Wayne and All the best!

4. Chelsea is down in the tong sampah

The last 5 matches were a load of rubbish. No imagination whatsoever. On top of that Joe Cole might be sidelined for a long time. I say do away with the coach and buy a few wingers. Though I temporarily declare myself teamless (football wise), I'm super happy that a friend bought me a Chelsea polo t-shirt from her recent trip to UK. I like!

5. Managed to catch up with friends.

This week managed to meet up with school mates and college mates. One of my friend from school celebrated her , ahem - 25th Birthday. Happy Birthday Kak! May this year be the year. Birthday celebration at Victoria Station. We discovered that the seatings slightly different and the waiter/waiteress are super attentive to the point of annoyance. They are short of feeding the food into your mouth.

Then the next day off to Sunway Michealanglo for italian. The food and price not bad, cuma sometimes.. ada yang masin. Lepas tu sempat plak minum hot chocolate at Tony Romas which cost RM0.50 aje! Ye, 50 sen. Hahahah member aku siap order satu lagi tu. Memang gila.

6. Jason Mraz n Rihanna n PGL

Yippeeeee! I've secured tickets to all the shows. Sanggup tadi nak beratur kat Sg Wang for early bird discounts for Jason Mraz. Tak sabar gila nak pergi tengok. Hopefully tiada aral melintang (oh so the rock melayu bunyinya). Cuti semua dah arranged dah :)

So skang nak pi hafal lagu :)

p/s: Eh esok Juara Lagu, banyak lagu best.


Anonymous said...

1. i am intrigued with frim. nanti jd guide aku
2. mana gambar2 tetek di bangkok? cepatla letak!
3. cashley ass.hole is always an arse, a big one yg x terer mana!

Anonymous said...

Nak mati letak gambo hantu tefek kat sini? This is not going to be shocking asia video all over again.

Aha, yes, aku nak jadi advocate FRIM skang. Seronok berjalan sambil mengumpat dlm hutan. Hahahha. You can bring along Ultraman Junior utk melompat sepanjang hari kat sini.

Enn said...

tony romas???!!!
shyesh kenapa lah aku kene gi meeting ptg tu gak.
seriously RM0.50?
derang takoot kene boycott apa?

Anonymous said...

argh bencinya i missed it, balik from mongolia we gotta meet up pls! now -13, aku sgt jakun wit d fact kabus bila bernapas haha

Anonymous said...

Enn, TR mmg drinks : coffee, latte, capucino, hot chocolate and tah apa lagi RM05.0 everyday thru out the week from 3pm - 6pm. A motivator to mengular instead of keje. Hehehehhe

YS, aku still amaze betapa majunya Mongolia sbb kau boley online. Beb, nanti posing maut in your winter clothing. Balik mesia we can look at it over RM0.50 hot chocolate at TR. Muahah

Enn said...

something to look forward to kalu nk mengtekedarah hot choc if i ever in sunway weekdays 3-6! ;)

aaah ys. mana gambar abominable snowman ko ni. -13? so keras the bontot gitu.

next time oso please count me in!

Anonymous said...

smlm terlalu asyik layan russian tv i missed d snow fall!! today -20, usaha utk kuarkan camera dis morning failed by d coldness ha ha... nanti la will try figure out how to transfer pics.. miss u guys.. c u at TR nanti hehe