Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Siapa sejambak mawar merah...

...harum dikamar hatimu,
.. hingga diriku disingkirkan
- Siapa DiHatimu by Rahmat -

Well I told everybody that it's from a friend. Tak la pulak aku cakap friend tu is actually my old buddy from school si Ima. She signed the card as Tim, Saigon. Mesti mamat hantar bunga ingat aku ni ada boyfriend Mat Salleh mana dari Saigon. Merah muka akak uols ambik bunga dari lobby and jalan 3 batu to my cubicle. Gagal misi utk merahsiakan birthday from team mate. Skang boss pun sudah tau today is my Birthday.

Getting flowers, what does it mean? Kawan2 perempuan kata, jatuh la saham. Nanti orang kata dah ada boy friend. Which I agree. But my male colleague say.. "Eh apa pulak. To a guy they will say.. darn! Now got competition pulak". Ye ke? He even volutereed to carry it for me and do free advertising to those who would listen that I got flowers. Gila ke apa.

OMG! And the discussion around the flowers doesn't stop:

- How many stalks aaa? Got meaning or not ( oh please don't even go there)
- Do you know who it's from? (of course I do! Unlike many people I know, I do not have stalkers trailing me around)
- Real ke plastic tu? ( there's some concern around this coz there's another bouquet of dead flowers on a colleague's desk, that's attracting ants and annoys the hell out of us).

Hahahah but all in all it was a lovely surprise.

Ima aka Timmy, Thanks a Bunch (no pun intended)! They are absolutely beautiful. (hmm you might not be reading this though)

Thanks to all my friends and family for all the warm wishes.

I just want to share some funny ones that I came across today:
  1. John Glenn - There is still no cure for the common birthday
  2. Mary Schmich - Like many women my age, I am 28 years old.
  3. Robert Frost - Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty.

Finally, to K-lynn, happy birthday to you too. Hope it was a good one :) It's just that, I've a question for you: WHAT THE HECK ARE WE DOING, WORKING ON OUR BIRTHDAY?


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Again.

No, there was no celebration on my part, nor a surprise birthday flower. But there was the fever to heal.. must have been the berembun session with you. Apparently, I am too old for that. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed it. (Thanks to ys and Chelsea?)


TIMba-Land said...

u got me counting how many stalks there was...sheesh! eh apek syg kepo x psl bunga? go find yer own matsaleh Tim la; baru HOT satu opis!

zuned said...


mana ada berembun dgn aku. kita duduk dlm kedai ok. mungkin the culprit is my aircond yg dah tak servis 3 tahun tu. hahaha too bad sessi 'berembun' kita tidak dpt menyelesaikan masalah dunia masing-masing. heheheheh


nama bouquet tu.. valentine tah apa kejadah. dun worry, apek takde perasaan. hmm nanti aku scout around ada tak kat opis ni nama TIM. timothy dalton apa...