1. Buy Bumper edition of Gila-Gila. It's a must, though it cost a bomb
2. Buy URTV and oggle at the Jejaka2 Idaman Malaya and envy the latest design of "Baju Kebaya Kotemporari rona jingga dari kain polos yang dipadankan dengan selendang songket tenunan Melayu", on some pelakon-pelakon wanita.
3. Sending Hari Raya cards to friends. And it must be of the cartoon design with very eloquent pantun that goes something like: "Pecah kaca, pecah gelas, sudah baca, harap balas". My favorite? "Pecah kaca, pecah tong, sudah baca, sila gantung". Classic!
4. Burning my allowance on Bunga Api.
5. Eating kueh bahulu by the loads with air sirap. (Wait the minute.. I still do this, but they don't taste the same..)
6. Watching Hari Raya ads that don't make you cry. Everyone is always cheerful and it has catchy tunes
Oh well, I suppose Hari Raya is not the same when you're the one who has to give out duit raya:(
Wishing all of my friends and family, a cherio Hari Raya!
Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
To dearest mak and ayah, who will be sadly missed this Syawal, semoga Allah sentiasa mencucuri rahmat ke atas mereka. Al-Fathihah.
aku hapal ok lagu2 ni. sgt suka yg salem but cant remember video yg eon. thanks june! really bring out the memories! :) lagi satu, gi beraya rumah org (tak kenal pun main belasah masuk, bukan cam sekarang, gi open house je) naik bus gi pekan jerantut :) hehe..
jun, mana kad raya aku? thn ni x bg kau so cannot utter the pantun: pecah kaca, pecah gelas....!!
eh urtv now dah x best cam dulu. yg plg aku ingat ada edisi bumper raya featuring mas anizan n her dato' (dah arwah pun..alfatihah) posing in total luxe splendor!
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