Monday, October 19, 2009


...tiada yang BABI, melainkan BABI yang sebenar...

Grrrr.... It's almost too good to be true.

I have the tickets. I have bought the CD. I have watched the VMAs over and over again. I have gone over the concert play list. I have been listening to the songs over and over again while leading myself to a slow painful death on the cross trainer.
Sekali tu:

Postponed?!!!!! Sounds like macam cancel je. %$$##@!@##&&^%**##@!%^%&%^%^&%^&!!!!!!!!!!@##!!!!!!#$%^^&&$#@!!!!!$#@@%***$$### ARGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Hishhhh.... tak tau nak marah dengan siapa.. I know these people have good intentions:

..........erghhhhh tapi boleh tak get on with time. What's the different between her costume with a gymnast costume? Or a swimsuit for that matter? Besides it will be in a stadium. Bukan nampak pun dia. Nampak mcm semut menguit2 aje atas pentas.

What's the difference with Sunburst selling Tuborg beer mcm air paip? What's the difference with the MTV world stage with everyone cramped into a small space and having body contact like it's a huge orgy? What's the difference cerita-cerita melayu kat TV yang ada scene tah apa2? What's the difference tunjuk cerita2 hantu yang karut marut? What's the difference watching AF diary????!!! Semua tu tak bermoral and melalaikan, pendek kata.
Tengok akak dah meroyan tak tentu hala. I am (now) Shasha Fierce!

Nasib tak choose lagi apa nak pakai for the concert. Lepas berpanas-panas during Jason Mraz concert, ingat nak pakai bra and seluar katok aje. Tak tercapai cita-cita aku.

Dah lain kali, jangan buat lagi konsert apa kat Malaysia. I shall spend my money in Singapore or Thailand or anywhere else for the concerts. Jangan tanya aku kenapa my MYR are flowing out of the country.

Nah sebagai protest, aku post gambar ni. Sape tengok berdosa:


sasha lemau said...

dear gov pulau kebabian,
see..somehow as i've said, it was too good to be true. bersyukurlah kau x kena bomb pakai seluar katok n bra nanti :P
air supply lain, xde sape nk letupkan a bunch of pakciks tua!

***I J A*** said...

aku admire giler payudara dia..kalau dia buat concert kat sini sah2 part tu jer aku tengok dulu... errr..rasa2 lepas confinement leh tak PD aku jd mcm tu?