So many birthdays this month.
To start of with, sahabat lama who celebrated her birthday on 6th Nov. We celebrated her birthday with a karaoke session and movie - Pisau Cukur. Sungguh menyeronokkan. Memandangkan gambar-gambar mungkin akan digunakan sebagai bahan bukti aku tak letak la gambar-gambar kat sini. Semuanya ala Oh My Dior! Ladies, I shall post it on FB with tight security (...that is till I figure how to do it). So aku letak la gambar K Melah to remind us what song we sang that day. (errr yes I know you all prefer gambar ek ah ek ah.. tapi gambo ni je yang aku ada dalam pc ni)
To Buk Tini, semoga panjang umur murah rezeki (agar boleh berkaraoke lagi bebila free) and semoga satu hari dapat la beli beg Dior idaman... boleh la Oh My Dior for real!
Next, is dad birthday on the 8th. He would be 72. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya. I found this old photo in which he looks ceria, gemuk and sihat walafiat. We shall always remember him this way :). Next to him is the cheeky Anees, who insisted nak pergi tengok simpool (translated swimming pool)... "Boleh tak kita nak pergi simpool. Kita nak cecah kaki kita aje"
Also celebrating on the 8th is si Cantik Tertarik Kau Memang da Bomb! And what a birthday gift - Chelsea beats Manure. (Read here). Joe Cole was featured in the match. Ok la.. he didn't score any of the goals, but he did score one over last weekend against Wolves. Yipeeee
On the 19th, it's Fares' Birthday. We got free tickets to watch Astro Boy! He also got goodie bag from Era coz it's his birthday. Hehehe.. I also found this old photo of him. Habis cool la ni. Check out the little bear on his lap. That was his pet teddy bear for a while.. he would bring it everywhere! Hahahahahah... hahahahahahahahahah.... Bro, Happy Birthday! You are officially a teenage mutant ninja boy!
19th is also my cousin's birthday. And I think 20th is someone's birthday. Perhaps my cousin as well. And I know 28th is my aunt's birthday. We might surprise her with a cake. Tapi aku belum order lagi :P
Sports update: Jensen Button will be joining McLaren next season. Am disapointed in you Button! (but for double salary I suppose I would sell my soul as well :( )
buk melah,
trimas. bag lady dior SD 3230 masih dlm mimpi indahku. insya Allah tercapai one day, amin. amin. amin.
p/s aku pun nyampah button join mclaren. boleh survive ke sama2 anak emas, hamilton tu? pastu nanti gepren2 lawan vidclip, doncha wish ur gf was hot like me? doncha? doncha???? (pastu nanti gatai nk lari sbb x cukup kasih syg mcm alonso!)
semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.. amin.. babe..u took after ur dad a lot ;)
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