Monday, January 11, 2010

AJL 24

Wuhuu... yang ditunggu-tunggu sudah tiba. walaupun tak dapat tengok kat stadium, akak dah bersedia since 8.30 depan TV. So here goes nothing...


Siti Nurhaliza - I don't get the costume esp the boots, macam nak pergi smackdown pulak, but at the very least, the attempt to sing Lagu Untukmu should be given A for effort. But having said that.. the song in padang pasir sound is a bit weird. And who would've thought she would open for AJL. As far as I can remember she's always a contestant in AJL. I still think Aku Cinta Padamu by 18 year old Siti is da Bomb!

1. Estraged - Aurora

As soon as Rich opened his mouth, the mood went south. I think the performance was a bit busy. The choir (nak kena ada conductor sekali ke?) is distracting rather than complementing the band. I don't see the song winning the best song.

2. Alyah - Tak Mungkin Kerna Sayang

I kinda like the song.. till I saw who's the song writer. Eii Jawa dari Masai. Anyway, it's still a nice song. She has a good voice and can do without the creepy crawlies behind her. Ni mesti idea si mamat ni... so zaman 70, macam persembahan budak sekolah. Distracting aje. Baju.. the top part is nice.. the bottom part, tetiba terbelah power... terkejut siut. Nevertheless, she looked and sound confident. I like it. Maybe a chance in best Vocal? We'll see.

3. Misha Omar- Cinta Adam dan Hawa

One outstanding thing about this song is that it's written by the late Loloq. Supposedly his last piece of work. Lots of respect goes to it. Ok What the F with the pemidato at the begining of the performance? No offense bro.. but it's crap. With that, I hope this song doesn't win anything. Ah... here comes the Maddona-Vogue move again.. with singer hidden behind them. Darjah kebosanan semakin meningkat. Here comes the singer with the christmast light left overs from Orchard Road. Darjah keburukan baju ini melebihi skala richter. Adooiii... bila la nak berakhir penyeksaan ini. Kalau tengok kat stadium ni mesti bontot aku cramp masa ni. Rasa nak balik je...

4. Hafiz - Masih Jelas

Ok first impression best. Dia keluar sorang aje. Tak payah ada dancer. Tetiba, the light shown on the stage. Ada apa dengan bunga-bunga kering dari Ikea atas stage itu? Nonsense. Somehow I think the musice is too loud... so was the back up singer. His voice macam tak keluar. Good atempt, but don't see this performance winning anything.

5. Bunkface - Situasi

Ok I have good vibe about this song. The opening with the piano is excellent. However, i think the vocal is a bit out esp when the 2nd dude sings... the very sengau.Performance wise... it's lacking something. Macam takde wow factor..... until the kids same out and ada pulak groupies yang di bayar untuk terkinja atas stage. Macam bersemengat sket... tapi of course vocal tetap out. I vote this one as one of the songs that might win best song.

6. Stacy - Pakai Buang

Ada pulak puji-pujian untuk KRU. Le Bozan. Here's comes Stacy. Ok, walaupun tah apa benda la lagu ni... I give her full credit for not losing a beat and sustaining the energy all the while singing. Gila energetic siut. KRU is pulling all stop on this one. Segala pyro, lightings, montage and tah apa benda semua dah keluar. Big chance to win best performance.

7. Aizat - Pergi

This song is from Talentime. Excellent. Originally this song was in English, then translated into malay. I have such high hope for this song... akan tetapi ada pulak la kuar aunty and uncle dari Brickfields opening untuk dia. Aku sudah ganguan perasaan. Aunty tu macam pontianak pun ada. I remember this song as very touching during the movie...but I don't feel it at all tonight. And the attempt to turn this performance into a tribute and trying to present the 1-Malaysia concept is prety LAME. Of course kalau standard procedure this song might win Best Performance. Bosan la.

8. Hujan - Aku Scandal

Another crowd's favorite. Ok hands down, it was brilliant to start off the performance with a 50's vibe and kick things off with great music. I thot they sounded way better then Bunkface. Both music and vocal. This one has my vote for best song. Good job Hujan! Err... but was it on purpose that the crowd datang terkinja-kinja kat depan tu? Noh looks confused? But it did add a great feel to the performance. And may I know who did Noh's hair? Can I have the number please? tak tahan....

9. Tomok - Rindu Terhenti

Ok akak ganguan perasaan dengan baju dia... and what's with the holding the violin macam pegang nangka masak? Buang itu violin please. What can I say, you can't go wrong with an Aubrey Suwito song. And I thot Tomok sound very good and composed. I will pretend to not see the boring choir that came out. So not necessary. This one might have a good chance to get best Vocal. Go Tommy Tomok!

10. Black - Aku Rindu Sayang Kamu.

Apakah maksud title lagu ini? Macam Nasi Goreng Rebus Enak. Or Air Sejuk Panas Suam. See... tah apa-apa. Ok maybe aku tak paham. Apa-apa je la. Wah, abang berani keluar dari bawah. Tapi kasut abang buruk. Dan jugak apa benda yang kat bahu abang tu. Nevertheless, i thot he had good voice. I'm liking this AJL very much, all the songs are good and vocal wise semua orang not bad. Although macam performance budak darjah 6 masa Hari Guru, this one is worth a good mention I suppose. But please, choir walau berdiri dalam crowd, atas stage, tepi stage, atas tangga.... it's all been done. Next!

11. Akim - Bengang

Akim, kenapa ada helicopter cari Akim? Apakah? Lain kali kalau takde idea nak pakai baju apa, jangan la pakai baju hujan ye. Hmmm... AF wise, I think Akim did a better job than Hafiz. He's voice is more powerful. I like this song very much. But a chance in winning? Unlikely.

12. Yuna - Dan Sebenarnya

A girl with a guitar? That spells HEBAT. I think this song is brilliant. In fact, i see this song as one of the top contenders to win. From the shouts of the crowd, clearly this is one of the favorites. However, the starting is a bit messy with the kiddies piano. I know she know she got that from Marit' Larsen's If A Song Could Get Me You video clip. Unfortunately, I think the music arragements spoiled the song. Might still win best song, but the performance left me yawning. Hmmm...a bit disappointing.

13. Aizat - Kau Aku

Ok.. bawak pulak adik-adik yang patut dah tidur, esok nak pi sekolah. So now this songs is suppose to give a feel good vibe, bersemangat nak sekolah dan menimba ilmu. Damn.. I thot this song is suppose to be cool. Oh tidakkk... adik-adik sedang lari setempat. Apakah? I know you meant well Aizat. The song and your vocal was great. But I just don't buy the High School Musical meets School of Rock look and feel . I'm not surprise if it wins tonight, but I stand by my verdict:LAMMMEEEEEE.

14. Faizal Tahir - Bencinta

Ok no komen about the rumors about santau and what not. It's just not his luck I suppose that he is under the weather. I like this song, though I'm not a fan of FT. My first thot was .. eh macam Micheal Jackson yang sakit. I thot his vocal was great. Maybe kena menyanyi dengan tongkat baru suara tu control. Wah tetiba boleh bertukar jadi Shila pulak. Huyooo... this smells like the best performance.

Closing show

Peralihan music dari zaman ke zaman. I like. First up, Jefri Din. Terasa macam nak beli jacket merah untuk pergi keje esok. Macam kerja AMBANK pun ya. Eh... was it just us? But tiba-tiba the tv went blank. OMG! Dah 24 tahun buat ANUGERAH BERPRESTIJ ni tetiba ada technical glitch? Someone's gonna get their ass fired tomorrow. WTF?

Ah thank god, everything was ok shortly. Out came Jay Jay complete with 70s do. I love it. " Apalah yang hendak di kata..." Aduii his voice is da bomb! Right now comes Search. Hohum.. nyanyi lagu Jembalang Tanah Masak Asam Pedas. Bring on the jiwang karatz pleaseeee. Yeay! Bulan Madu di Awan Biru. Err.. tapi sedikit ganguan perasaan dengan wig Amy. Macam lady boy dari Patpong pun ada.

And the winner is:

Best Performance - Aizat with Kau Aku. LAME. I thot Faisal Tahir deserves this one.
Best Vocal - Black - what a surprise. I thot Alyah or Tomok.
Best Song - 3rd place - Bencita, 2nd place - Dan Sebenarnya and Juara Lagu Pergi (complete with the haunting pontianak kononnya). Err... I was hoping Hujan will win this one. Better luck next year.

I have to say, the quality of the songs and performances is way better not that there's no more song categorization. Tak sia-sia la space untuk the bosan lagu Balada. Kalau tak asyik jawa dari masai aje yang banyak lagu. I thot the stage movement was a work of art. Very smooth.

Somehow, there's still stuff that leaves me....APAKAH?

- why are all the award show must be called anugerah paling berprestij. Kalau semua berprestij, macam mana nak differentiate?
- dah bosan dgn joke pengacara.. org pendek.. org botak.. org hitam. Get new materials. Serioudly, apakah?
- right, I know it's a must that you need to do at least one product placement in the show. Must it be with an iphone from M*x*s? I'm still not using M*x*s ok. Nak twitter la pulak. Apakah??
- OK what's with the iklan loreal with makcik-makcik nak komen and puji baju sendiri. Ni pesen origami.. origaminya ni ha kat lipat kain saya.. origaminya ni kat kelepet tudung saya. Pakailah apa yang selesa. Ada sorang pulak sibuk membebel pasal jangan lupa bersihkan mekap. Mekap? APAKAH? APAKAH? APAKAH? Aku tak berminat ok.
- when i heard one of the names in the list of juries... i went WHATT??


Klynn said...

Apakah, apakah, dan apakah.
Terutama yang terakhir tu. Sangat betul.
Saya bersependapat dengan semua yang kau kata tu dan aku pon rasa, bosannya persembahan Kau Aku ni.. tapi mesti menang sebab dia sorang je lompat kat pentas bulat kecik tu. Siap bawak Mini Me pulak.

Anonymous said...

Bro or Sis, ur opinion, same with me... aku sedih sikit tang pejal tahir je.. dah lama aku tak tgk dia live, skalisakit pulak... Intro, mmg slow sket..tgh nyanyi mcm tahan sakit jek, penari belakang tu aku ingatkan paramedik standby..he he he... Hujan antara yang paling aku salute. Sore sama macam tape.. tapi tang chorus takleh lari gak.. ada sket terpeleot, tapi noh dapat cover..okla tu..Bro.. aku nak bagitau kau satu je, jadah tu maksudnay anak, jadah haram tu maksudnya anak harammmmm

yang masih apakah said...

k-lynn... hahahha sgt kan

anonymous - interesting. aku sampai check dalam kamus. betul cakap kau, it means anak haram aka bastard. I'm liking this blog title a lot more. Hahahahah

Anonymous said...

huhuhu kecian Siti ... yg buat arrangement pelik etnik kreatif & balada tu adelah RAMLI MS .. kunun nak pay tribute pada kategori2 tu yg telah dimansuhkan taun ni (lagu untukmu rep poprock last year)... Aritu taim intebiu utk program Menjelang AJL ramli ms ade ckp psal arrangement tu, and lan/siti ditugaskan untuk menyanyi jek.
yang penting, the best opening in the history of ajlkind....
who wouldve thought siti could actually do the original version with such great vocal .. shedding her sweet tone & demure onstage gestures ???
i love the boots when i saw that at bernard chandran's. but i dont get the loose collared top!

Anonymous said...

yg lain tak menarik dihatiku. tapi paling soka bila search nyanyi. wig tu tak disturbing sgt bg aku. cuma rs mcm kid adalah terlebih sikit. blh?


ki said...

beb. aku pun benci lawak pengacara. bosan. yawn. bertambah bosan bila tgk credit:

penulis skrip: Nas Ahmad..