Sunday, January 31, 2010

Holiday in Hospital?

I was down with dengue! Dengue! Selama ni aku dok gelakkan iklan TV, saya pembunuh.. saya bunuh nyamuk aedes... vair funny... until your fever did not subside after 3 days! I got myself admitted on the 4th day with platlet count of 135. Takde la teruk sangat. But I can't stand the fever (your temp is high but you're shivering!) and I can't drink anymore water.. so I'd rather be on drip.

Pun begitu dalam sakit, in the morning I still managed to watch Golden Globe while dozing in and out. My fever agrevated while wacthing the red carpet segment. Who cares who's wearing what! One minute everyone was all about Haiti.. the next, ooo that looked gorgeous, that looked hideous. Apakejadkejadhar. I started to really sleep after Neil Patrick Harris did not win yet again.

So in the evening, bro drove me to the emergency unit at this supposedly expensive hospital. Walaupun ada hospital dekat sekangkang kera dengan rumah, nak pulak pergi hospital yang 2 kangkang kera dari rumah.

The hospital (I kept on saying the hotel) was nice. I got a room to myself. There's flatscreen TV and bed that goes up and down with a push of a button. Sweet. While adjusting the bed, someone came in to take my order for the next day. Excuse Moi? Order? Yes, what's for starter, main course and dessert. And I was handed a thick binder file. Adoi... I always have trouble deciding what to eat from a single page menu, ni pulak from a freaking thick file. My low platlet body can't stand this. So I ordered Ceasar Salad, Daging Masak Kicap (so gadis melayu) and for dessert (*smack*) if I remembered correctly, banana cheese cake with something-something. It tasted like superior muntah kucing I tell you! As soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm of to lala land.

Day 1

State of Hair - unruly
Platlet count - 117
Fever - High as kite
Appetite - everything taste like lead except the banana cheese cake.
Highlight of the day - when banana cheese cake ended in the toilet bowl

Day 2

State of Hair - mcm jerami padi yang sedang dikeringkan
Platlet count - 109
Fever - High High Panadol every 6 hours High
Appetite - everything taste like lead and extremely salty.
Highlight of the day - nurse asked to change into hospital garb. Now I looked like a cross between petani dari Vientnam dan amah cuci lantai.

Day 3

State of Hair - not so bad after shampoo (but nearly fainted after taking shower, so no energy to dry it properly)
Platlet count - 99
Fever - Under control with annonying ice packs
Appetite - ice cream is NICEEEEEE. Everything else orang lain sila la habiskan.
Highlight of the day - Kim Clisjter lost to Nadia Petrova. Malam terus demam balik. But not before watching Glee first.

Day 4

State of Hair - macam gorila di zoo
Platlet count - 70
Fever - macam biasa
Appetite - I think I'm getting gastric, but the ikan bilis with nasi lemak was not bad
Highlight of the day - Kartini datang bawak URTV (and loads of biscuits)

Day 5

State of Hair - OMG
Platlet count - 70
Fever - arghhh had asked for sleeping pill so that can sleep at night.
Appetite - I now only live on lee chee kang
Highlight of the day - Klynn plak datang visit.

Day 6

State of Hair - now chanting in sleep I need to get hair cut, I need to get hair cut.
Platlet count - 90
Fever - dah ok
Appetite - nasi lemak only
Highlight of the day - Dr said get out of here. Yeayyy.

All in all, I did enjoy the quiet moments in the hospital where my sleep is uninterrupted. The asteruk beyond ads annonyed the crap out of me. I had to sit thru it because there's nothing on TV. And yes peeing with the drip hanging off your hand is a bitch especially you had to go like every hour.

Thank you to my adik beradik yang datang hari-hari melawat, memasuk dan mengeluarkan aku dari spital. Thank you to the best wishes from friends (datang visit ke tak, tak kisah, your smses entertained me). Nak kena denggi lagi? Masya-allah mintak dijauhkan.....


ys1 said...

isn't it funny how en and me assumed u will cuti for d award shows? haha glad ur ok babes, so sedey tak sempat visit, i'm at the office today, so that shows u how my life is now, all work, no play!

taking care!

j henin dah kalah said...

nak kita letak gambar glamer awak kat sini? hehehe kita still envy yer stay tp x mau la demam teruk2 or denggi. dulu penah skali merangkak ke toilet muntah pun rasa nk mati dah!

urtv rocks!

marat safin said...

dan lagi..
sms aku kah yg menghiburkan? esp psl si beruk tu?? :P

i support serena this week said...

Hahahah ys, of course aku akan cuba nak bercuti for all this award shows. Malangnya tahun ni schedule semua tak best, like today aku keje pagi when I could be at home watching the grammys. Takpe mlm kang bley tgk.

Puan Henin Yang tak menag grand slam,

Tak yah la letak gambar separuh pengsan saya tu. Saya pun ada posing2 kat hospital tapi belum download lagi. Post jiwang karat pun ada. Hahaha yes pasal beruk itu - mmg lawak. Aku jadi pening sebab check friends list aku plak lepas tu. Dah la screen kecik. Skang aku rasa aku dah rabun sebelah.

tetap tegar menyokong henin said...

rabun sebelah ke juling ala hewitt n clijsters? hahahaha!!! yes, sila slhkan beruk :D

- serena gemoks, ada panau lg x? -

Asal bukan henin yang menang said...

sungguh cheebs Puan Henin! Dah kalah nak cakap orang ada panau. So bad. Eh, mana Puan Henin belajar bagi speech? Hari tu masa kalah macam senonoh speech Puan Henin. Sudah ada PR ke skang?

Smlm speech en murray saya tak dengar sgt except, "I can cry like Roger but sadly I can't play like Roger".. tu la andy sape suruh main baseline aje.

PR coach j henin said...

mr murray byk sgt main psp n wii tu yg can cry only, not play like federer :P (tp he's soo eye-candy.. suka x? kau kan suka yg comey2)

btw kau yg told me dulu serena penuh panau. i will remember that for whole life. kaya tp penuh panau (boleh buat lagu alanis ni:))

oh puan henin bertapa setahun lebih build up PR and people skills. here's to future glories!!

It wasn't me said...

ha aku ke yang cakap tu? Ohh oooo... tapi dah takde dah panau tu and I thot baju dia this year sesuai dengan dia. (PR nak cover .. :P)

Of course I like andy murray! Bila la dia ni nak menang ni???

nak la berkenalan dgn PR Puan Henin. Sebab sungguh compose Puan Henin hari tu. terpegun kejap.