Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sejadah Hijauku

Sometime ago, I got one of those anonying phone call from a telemarkerter about some personal loan package. I said I'm not interested but she left me her email address just in case. Normally I would forget the email address immediately, but this one is rather ganguan perasaan that I still recall it. "Nanti akak email la pada saya kat '' eh". Apa benda? Sejadah biru? Of all the names dik... As disturbing as it is, tetiba risau pulak.. mana tau tah-tah this is a sign nak mengingatkan jangan lupa solat :P

Anyway, fast forward to a couple of months ago when I was in Qatar. I wanted to buy a nice looking, lain dari yang lain kinda of sejadah. So I ventured into a persian rug store. Hahahah. Kepala hotak aku berjambul. Persian rug store sell persian rug. Tiada sejadah ye. The nearest one that could pass as a sejadah is a small size rug that cost QAR5000. As the guy said, this is hand woven. Never the same design.

The guy from the store was very nice and polite. He was on all four on the floor, flipping every single piece of rug, explaining every single piece. Unfortunately, he already lost me in the first 5 minutes by the mere mention of QAR5000. How am I going to get out from here? I explained to him to that I wanted to get something simple. I want to use it as a prayer mat.

Suddenly his dad, who was sitting at the table behind us, decided to join in. He gestured with his hand, and asked us "As solah?" My colleague answered yes, "Naam, As-solah". Ah... he said he had something. He went searching and came back with a small package. He took out a green coloured sejadah and show it to me. All of us, ah yes. That one. He said something in arabic, to which his son translated to me, "That's just a cheap one. He would like to give it to you. Free of charge". I don't know if my face turn red or not, but it sure is getting hot in here. Alamak, macam mana ni. Tadi macam poyo macam banyak duit nak beli carpet konon. My colleague said, "Dah dia nak bagi free tu ambik aje lah".

I gave up. I told the guy, "It's ok. I think I still want to look around. Thank you". The guy smiled and said, "Don't forget this (pointing at the green sejadah)". I said, "Oh no.. it's ok". "No no.. he still wants to give it to you no matter you buy the carpet or not". "Oh ok".

I said, thank you. Syukran. Terima kasih. Xie-xie. I think I bowed on my way out. The dad wave us good bye and said something in arabic, while gesturing with his hand again, " solah" I take it he said, jangan lupa solat ye.

Ambik kau. Dah la the night before pergi menyetan. Insaf kejap.

May this Ramadhan brings us the opportunity for some soul searching and above all, peace in our heart.


Anastacia Lyn Newkirk said...

cantiknya. aku ingatkan yang plain green, nipis semacam tu.
mesti dia ingat kau baru nak bertaubat. nak carik sejadah pun tak tau kat mana, gi kedai karpet.
happy ramadan.

Juned said...


Kenapa plak tetiba teringat Anastacia ni?

Hehehe.... now aku bley guna

anastacia said...

tiba-tiba aku teringat i used to think she was cool and had great abs masa kat m*m*u*.
kau tak ingat?

Juned said...

Ms Newkirk,

Aha... bab great abs tu mcm coming back to me sket. Apa la jugak minah ni punya hit song?

mondaymorning said...

i'm outta love.. or smtg like dat.