Saturday, October 2, 2010

Freaky Friday

..well, that was yesterday.

I wore baju kurung to the office today. The last time I wore baju kurung was I think more than 3 years ago. I have been there for almost 7 years. I ditched Baju Kurung after a good part of a year, simply because malas nak gosok. My normal attire would give the cleaners at the office a run for their money. Hehaw. Everyone was giving me the look. If I recall correctly, these were some of the remark:

- "Tebiat ke apa kau hari ni?" Accompanied by an arched eyebrow.
- "Why you dress funny today?" (my favorite).
- "Eeiii...baju kurunggg. Eh ni first timekan you pakai baju kurung?".
- "Aikkk. Ni apasal pakai baju kurung hari ni?" Accompanied by suspicious look.

Little that they know, sebenarnya aku nak pergi open house petang semalam. But before that, a lunch date with kawan-kawan lama dari zaman U. Mula-mula nak makan kat tutup pulak Friday. Nasib kedai sebelah Ariania, serving Iranian food bukak. Sedap jugak makan kat situ. Sahabat-sahabat, thank you for a good time and lunch. But the funny thing was, of all the days, semalam la nak hujan lebat pulak. Langsung stranded dalam kedai sebab takde payung. Baru je cakap.. harap tak hujan...the sky opened up and pour it's content. Creepizoid... tapi sebenarnya suka sebab boleh lepak lama lagi....tapi lama tu dah jadi lebih sejam, melampau la kan. Nak tak nak kena la redah jugak hujan with high heels, baju kurung and all... Habis rambutku yang penat blowdry tadi. Tapi alhamdulillah, none of us jatuh tergolek dalam hujan. That will be the mother of all horror!

Later in the evening, a few of us from the office pergi open house pulak. This is the best part of all. Ada LAKSA JOHOR accompanied with SIRAP BANDUNG ICE CREAM SODA. Entah berapa gelen aku minum, sebab tuan rumah keep it coming aje. Heheheh. Pastu memang mengaku, akak makan laksa 3 round, complete with sambal belacan and condiment yang cukup segalanya. Gambar tak sempat nak ambik, sebab concentrate makan.

Yati, if you are reading this... THANNKKK YOUUUUU :) Memang best gila laksa kau tu. Nanti satu hari yang indah I shall attempt recipe laksa kau. In the meantime, now you know where to send the laksa if ada leftovers. Rain or shine, ribut taufan... akan kugagahi jua pergi ambik ;). I said it yesterday, I will say it again, laksa kau tu telah membuat Raya aku tahun ini lebih bermakna... Heheheheh.

Balik office pastu, melambak issue. Tergolek-golek jawab email, jawab phone. Ambik kau! Tapi tak kisah... sebab hari ni dapat makan best :)


Anonymous said...

hohoho... toche..tengkiu...

patut la tergerak nak click kat blog ko.. hahahaha...

wokeh.. kalu ada lagik laksa johor.. pastu ku holler...
p/s: sirap bandung tu...laki aku jer master kat rumah ni.. hahahaa...

mak abah dok johor said...

beb, member ko tuh org johor ke? aku noticed org johor je suka buat sirap bandung aiskrim soda :)