Monday, March 17, 2008

You know you're old when...

When, at a concert:
1. You would rather starve then buy the over-priced burger
2. You buy mineral water rather than Coke
3. You laughed at the guys selling t-shirts when they say " Rugi kak, tak beli, nanti orang tak tau akak pergi consert ni"
4. You stood still, while everyone around you jump around to the music.
5. You noticed how hot the weather is
6. You came late, but don't care that you miss some of the acts.
7. You believed that no matter how little the rain was, it will still hurt you
8. You realize that 12 hours is one heck of a long time!
9. You start seeing, not the celebrities that you adore, in the crowd, but instead it's their teenage kids
10. You know the meaning of Khemah Gagal!
11. You sleep o-so-peacefully thru out crazy pyros and crazy session of mengoreng on the electric guitars
12. You came to watch Search! Hidup Rock Kapak!
I came to realize this after surviving 2 outdoor concerts. The first one barely survive, sbb lepas tu demam terkejut satu hari! Belakangku serious mcm nak patah dua! Khemah Gagal tu... any khemah yg diduduki oleh org2 tua mcm aku. Rather than melompat2 terkinja... we just sat our ass and tak bergerak-gerak.
First stop HotFM Big Jam at PJ. Yang best - Hujan, Meet Uncle Hussain, (never thought I will say this) - Elyana, Jac and Lah, Ungu and tah sape2 lagi. Yang pasti, aku telah tidor dgn nyenyaknya masa lagu Farhana Puteri Bumi Kenyalang di Khemah Gagal!

Next, Sunburst kat Bukit Kiara. Memula tu tak nak pergi sgt tapi kakak aku menang tiket free plak. (Also tak sangka I will say this - but saya geng murai and terima kasih!). Unfortunately menang satu tiket aje. I got to know this when I was in Penang. So mana plak nak korek lagi satu ticket? On the consert day itself baru tergolek nak cari ticket. Got to know that rupanya ada package ticket sunburst with F1. Boley tak? Tapi dah habis. Sabo je la aku. Puas call satu KL termasuk press officer tah dari SIC ke Sunburst ke yang satu hapak pun tak tau. Macam nak menjejaki Joe Jambul ok. Last-last, we bought the other ticket at entrance of the concert dari nyonya yang mukanya masam mcm air limau kurang gula. Dah la baru menapak almost 1Km, nasib baik aku dah takde energy nak memaki hamun.

But its all good, sbb masuk-masuk aje. Gigi was performing! Panas pun panas la bang... but I get to see Arman Maulana, up close! "Kaulah yang dinginkan aku.. dari sadarku dari mimpiku oooo". (ada 2 je lagu yg aku tau.. lain2 masa nganga tgk Arman Maulana lompat2 atas stage).

Then we hop to another stage to catch Tompi. Truly apa kejad, kejad har. Tah lagu apa yang dinyanyikan.. haram tak sedap. I realized that it was My Girl rupanya. Disbbkan nyanyi tak sedap, HUJAN start turun. Everyone to Khemah Gagal! Yang masih gagah berani tu, temankan Pop Shuvit melalak dlm hujan. Darn it... next was Hujan... tapi hari dah hujan... mcm mana ni? Hujan played on in the rain, we stayed on in Khemah Gagal. Luckily, the rain sort of cool down, and everyone rush (ok aku je kot..) out to catch Hujan. Thank you Hujan for singing all of your songs that I do not know while it was raining. Sampai je depan stage, they started playing "Bila Aku Sudah Tiada". Then next song, "Pagi yg gelap, kini sudah terang... Yeay!!!!" As soon as they finish, hujan start balik... aku pun start my journey of 1000 steps back to the car. Balik rumah dulu, mkn and mandi. Nothing like berjalan dlm hujan, atas padang yg dah mcm sawah bendang! All in the name of music... ya right. (Pic below: Khemah Gagal, hari dah hujan)

Hari kelam nak hujan surrounding Khemah Gagal!
Malam check in balik around 10pm. Itu pun after searching high and low for parking spot. Akhirnya dgn langkah berani, aku double parked a few meters from the entrance. Kepada yg telah memaki hamun keretaku, kuampunkan seadanya. Hehehehehehhe. Masuk2 je, ada Chenelle... I waited for the only song that I know, "I fell in love with the DJ". Then off to Khemah Gagal semula, while waiting for John Legend. He sang for almost an hour, and I'm surprise that I know none of his song! Hahahahhahahahahahha. Lepas tu, if tgk schedule.. Search was supposed to perform.... suddenly the crowd went WILD coz it was Incubus on the stage. Yes, INCUBUS! Whoever went to Uni around the time that I did, this is pretty big deal! I LOBES IT. Well... the 3 songs that I know la of course... lagu2 lain, tu aku tgk si Brandon tu dah mcm high aje... They sang Drive, Wish You Were Here and Are You In? Of course KL was soooo INNNNNN.

Time check, dah pukul 2 pagi barulah kumpulan rock kapak ku muncul. By this time, we already drag the chairs out from Khemah Gagal and lepak under the stars and laser beams. Search sang about 5-6 songs, thru all of which I slept peacefully despite the bright lights and Hilary guitars. Bingit yang amat! Tapi tidurku sungguh nyenyak. I would recommend it... sekali sekala, lepas hujan when the nights are breezy and cool, tido la kat lawn chair korang. If takde lawn chair (maknanya takde lawn la tu), pergi la playground and sleep on the see-saw. Hahahahhaha. Back to Search. Abang rockers, saya hampa! Saya nak dengar Isabella ke Rozana ke Fantasia Bulan Madu ke. Saya berharap sangat kot-kot ada medley yang menyelitkan lagu Gadisku ke Gadis Misteri ke? Mintak maap lah sbb satu pun lagu yang abang jerit pekik seluruh jiwa raga tu, saya haram tak tau. So here, I'm making up the names of the songs as I hear them in my sleep:
1. Jerangkung Dalam Bekas Bawang
2. Puaka Tebing Sungai Klang
3. Cinta Rama-Rama Blackmetal
4. Sengsara Pawang Hitam
5. Entah apa-apa, janji ganas bunyinya
6. Payung Derhaka
Selamat malam la bang, eh selamat pagi dah. Sorry to Estranged, but we have to go. If we stay for another minute, aku akan bertukar menjadi Puaka Padang Kuda pulak dan menakutkan kuda2 kat dlm kandang yang sah2 dah tekanan perasaan sbb bising. You don't want that do you?


Anonymous said...

wakakakaka.... nasib baik ada khemah gagal.. sambil menengok org menonggang tuborg dari yg muda belia sampai ke pocik and mocik tua...

Anonymous said...

beb kalau aku join ko, can be 3 blind mice! btw dunno why i'm just not into incubus at all, tau pun satu lagu je. that brandon boyd's damn cute tho.

Anonymous said...

aiyoh...ada eh lagu Payung Derhaka?


-silent reader-