Friday, May 16, 2008

A 2 year old can be taught anything

I stumble upon in the wee hour of a morning. Tetiba terus terjaga. This is amazing ok! Check out this girl singing Sesucinya Cintamu. Yang mahal tu mata and mulut dia. On some level, sebijik mcm Anuar Zain. Complete with the Mmmm and OOoooo.
You can indeed teach a two year old anything. This is the only thing that I could remember from my psychology class! Tapi, 2 tahun ke tak budak ni, entah la.

Courtesy of teddyku at
To appreciate the video, kita kena tgk Anuar Zain pulak. Baru nampak the resemblances. Just noticed that I think I share a class with the video clip director. Him and his Gucci selipar. Nyesal tak baik2 dulu. Mana tau, kot2 boley jadi extra. Heheheheheh. But it goes without saying, this video clip is serious sicko

Courtesy of ghaztheMediaHustler at


Anonymous said...

terkenang en. lazi la tu.
meh sini ajar anak aku. he can sing lots. maybe tak se accomplished bdk ni lah. kau kan 'auntie' fav dia hahahaha!


walla... walla...
cutenye die! abg nuar shud b proud... hihihi...