Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Go Go Gadget!

Little that I expected, that 2008 turns out to be a gadget year. No. Not talking about Inspector Gadget. Talking about my gadgets.

Well, I did plan to buy a laptop since last year. Kononnya nak memblog sgt la. But these past few months, macam bertambah pulak gadgets aku.

Presenting my Ipod Touch - ITouch or known as IpodeII. IpodeI (which was a 30GB video ipod) was passed over to my sister. I couldn't resist this. Bought it off from a friend who sold it lower than the market price. No black market here. She got it free from office, so jual kat aku. Mekasih! First video uploaded: Midnight Train to Georgia from American Idol final show.

And yesterday, gatal beli a new digital camera plak. Macam la ada pokok cili berdaun emas tumbuh kat balkoni aku. Adoii. Takde la hebat sgt camera ni. Sixteen year olds would love it. Like totally! But it does have 4Gb internal memory, comes with a touch screen and have Paint apps embedded in, so that you could edit the pictures on the camera itself. Plus I just found out that you could download songs to it, so that you could add to the slide shows on the camera itself. Right, I think my old camera could do that as well.. saje je nak sedapkan hati :P. Oh well, I have been eyeing the camera for a long time. It was tagged at RM1,399 when it first came out. I bought it yesterday at RM999. Tak dapat acik nak nolong do!

Starting from this blog, I want to keep track of my favorite song of the week. Sesungguhnya takde keje.

1. Goodbye to Romance - Ozzy Osbourne - lyrics click here

2. Good Life - Kanye West feat. T-Pain (yeowzaa!) - lyrics click here


Anonymous said...

lemme rephrase that for you, 2008 is supposed to be the year of wealth (with 080808) but apparently, it is a year of wealth, too much spent! hehe Peace!

Anonymous said...

keep wishing. one day mana tau your pokok berdaun emas will sprout fr yer bedroom window. harga emas now dah RM109/gram. bolehla berkongsi kekayaan dgn kwn kau ni :)
p/s bila kita nk start beli manolos?

Anonymous said...

KI - mana year of the wealth. Tahun ni aku tgk horroscope kita asyik ckp pasal be careful with expenses.

Bini inspektor gejet - suruh la inspector gadjet manufacture manolos sendiri. Hahahhhahahah

Hmmm... next gadget would be Nintendo WII or Guitar Heroes! Hahahha. Oh, KI - belikan la anak kau PS2 tu... nanti kang dia nak melepak rumah org je.

Anonymous said...

i so want the wii. tapi aritu my small mr j telah meluahkan hasrat2 nk game gak..bugger! nanti aku beli mahal2, can't play.
btw tn inspektor sure tak layan permintaan manolo...adakah manolo sold in msia ni?

mommy@lif said...

juneddddddddd... aku selalu baca tapi tak pernah lah komen.. :p
apekah model digicam itu...aku plan nak beli jugak.. around rm1k . boleh suggest kah?

-rad yang dah berkaratz kat mesin hahahha

Anonymous said...


Demit malik! Apa cerita skang kat mesin? Kau kat main office ke dah dihantar ke site customer?

Camera yg aku beli ni model cybershot DSC-T2. If nak cari yang less than 1K, ok la. Dia ada byk2 kaler.. heheheh mcm biru la pink la green la.. aku beli kaler putih. Tak pun beli la digital SLR... skang ni around 2K pun dah ada... puas ati, suruh anak kau posing satu rumah.

Bini inspektor gejet,
Shuz KLCC ada tak jual?

Anonymous said...

jom survey suatu hari yg indah tapi kena wear shoes yg cantik2 la. demit!