Monday, September 14, 2009

Game, set, match

After waiting the whole weekend for the rain to stop, finally the US Open got going again. I don't want to discuss what went on in the semis. Let's save that for another time. Let's focus on the top story of the day.
Kim Clijsters after 2 years out of the tournament, only played 3 tour, got a wild card, beat the two William sisters, beat the odds and won the US Open! When she played the semis against Serena, I can see that this is a new and improved Kim. Able to score aces, making great shots and seems composed and focused.
Come the finals, I'm confident that she could win this easy. However, 4 sets into the match, I was thinking... shit, she's gonna tanked this as she have done all these years. Serve sangkut, nak main volley tapi net shot macam taik. Lucky my neighbour tak panggil polis sebab dengar aku sumpah seranah pagi-pagi buta.
I have great respect against Wozniacki, because she seems not to be impressed nor scared of Kim's decorated experience. She even had a couple of face to face encountered at the net with Clijsters, which she won everytime. Muka selamba je.
Finally... something in Clijsters clicked and she was backed to her 'improved' self. She won the 1st set, and played the 2nd set with more composure. Finally, it's the finally set.. the final point.. she was waiting to hit the return from Wozniacki at the net... I screamed... slow slow bongokkkk.... she smashed the ball over and.. game over! She cried... akak pun rasa mcm nak cried jugak. OMGGGG!! finally she played like she owned it.
Congrats Kim Possible!
p/s: I love shift work, when I get to stay home and watch games like this at home in my baju tido :)
pp/s: tak tahan tengok anak dia ni.. cute and blur tak tau apa yang sedang berlaku


justine henin is the name said...

ms j possible..
1) bdk kecik ini comey n mmg blur heheh.
2) major grunter one hit wonder.
3) samalah ana ku.(to me, ana's prettier minus the sound effect) she also former no1 n french open winner. ok!
4) del potro won! unbelievable
5) lastly, i am still hoping n rooting for she-who-must-not-be-named-but-must-come-out-n-play!! dia plg consistent n determined hehe. dream of her tonite!

Zuned Zucinovic said...

justine 'killer backhand' henin,

aha.. I saw the match between del Potro n Federer. Heheheh best jugak. Ingat mamat ni dah bungkus la.. sekali main 5 sets. Best

Hmmm.... nanti dulu.. kasi si Kim ni mng Wimbeldon ke French Open ke Aussie Open ke plak... then, we can bring back she who must not be named lagi bosan to play. Maybe Kim can beat her plak. Hehehe.. tapi dia tu if nak kalah sama la mcm Serena.. start buat perangai. Benci aku

justine henin lagi.. said...

zuned zarkovic,
aku rasa sbnrnya kau takut tgk rupa she-who-must-not-be-named tu. she's small tp the face is soo determined walau nk kalah haha. dahle susah senyum. tp akak sukalah dia main. power sehh.. dia memberi harapan kpd org2 yg x gigantic like the williams' sisters or grunter (yg over 6ft) yg they can excel in tennis too!

btw perasan x women in tennis have more muscles than the men??