Friday, December 11, 2009


Timkai? Timkai? Timkai?

Why? Why? Why?

It started off with a boring night. I can't really sleep. So, I decided to dig out an iTunes gift card that I bought months ago on a trip to Sydney. After spending sometime googling addresses in Sydney, I'm now a registered user on iTunes who lives in Potts Point Sydney. 10 marks to me :)

So what shall I buy with my AUD15 gift card on iTunes Store now? Hmmm... aha.. saw Glee tv series. Bought the pilot for 2.69. Well worth it. Will hunt down for the DVD when in Penang next. What else... what else... aha, free games. Let the fun begins. Download download and download somemore. OMGGGGGGG!!! I Love Katamari Lite. FREE. I am in heaven. Cepattt sync to ipod.If this is good, I'm gonna spend 5.99 on the full version of Katamari from itunes. Sync completed. Aik? Apasal game tak sync pulak? arghhh stress. Nak main katamari tak sabar!

Bantuan diperlukan. "Google, google on the Net, what the hell is going on?" Google said 1) my ipod firware is way out of date being ipod touch 1st gen 2) there's a possibility that my jailbreaked 1st gen ipod touch might not even be compatibile if I upgrade to 3.0 firrware thus cannot play Katamari jugak arghhh 3) It will cost me 5.99 to upgarde to firware 3.0 (nanti tak cukup pulak duit nak beli Katamari full version ...grrrr) .. Right.. should I risk it? Should i upgrade and face the posibility that the currents apps on my ipod will be lost? Or hilang pulak file yang dah ada on my ipod? Or worst, my ipod got locked out and have to zapp everything out and reinstall?

Decision. Decision. Decision. Ok dah pukul 2 pagi. Tido dulu.

Next day consult lagi Tok Guru Google. OH MY HANDBAGS IN THE CLOSET! There's rumors that Apple will launch Ipod Touch - 4th Gen with ... (wait for it) CAMERA! Argghhhhhh!!!!!! Stress! What does this means? It means that now I have to surf again for mobile phone. Aik tak berkaitan. I've been meaning nak tukar phone.. of course always wanted an iPhone.. but since it's only on Maxis, i'd rather use telepon dari tin susu. I hate their crappy expensive charges. I sort of put a criteria that if I were to buy a new phone.. it must have a kick ass camera, with huge storage. Arghhh... now maybe I can just buy a simple phone and get the 4th Gen ipod touch instead? But I have also set my eyes on the 4Gb Ipod shuffle with remote volume and shuffle control earphones. Blerghh. The ipod touch 4th gen.. though rumored, i found some pictures... they come in so many colors. Hmm... 4th gen ipod comes with latest firware, can play Katamari... but how long do I have to wait? Kang dah tunggu berjanggut, beli, keluar pulak ipod touch 5th Gen with a build in mini Microwave.. boleh panaskan goreng pisang kat office?


Dah 3 hari, masih tak boleh main Katamari and now with new headache, nak tunggu ipod touch 4th gen or get a new phone or get ipod shuffle 4gb.


Masalahnya takde duit. If ada pokok duit, bring it on Apple! You can produce as many generation of ipods and Macs you want, I will always have the money to buy them ALL. ALL... YOU HEAR ME! Muahahhaha *Evil laugh*

Ceh... I only hear Steve Jobs laughing back at me.


1 comment:

melinda gates wants an iphone said...

steve jobs can laugh but he's got cancer so i bet he's not laughing too hard :P
btw aritu register account apa ntah so inofficially i am a resident of inglewood, california. ntah apa rupa lah that place??