Friday, November 11, 2011

It's Not Over Tonite - Maroon 5 in KL, 29 April 2011

Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you

It's official! My new favorite Maroon 5 song is Won't Go Home Without You. It used to be She Will Be Loved. I got hooked watching Kelly Preston in that video clip.

Right the concert itself...hmmm. Maybe it started off on the wrong foot with me. There was a mile long queue going into the venue. The concert should start at 9 but by 9.15 I was still outside. W.T.F? Right the stadium has at least 50 assortment of entrances including the emergency entrace and the countless window. But no, the organizer decided that it will be far more interesting to just open 2 entrance. And stationed approximately 2 people each at the entrace. 1 person to check your ticket and the other to check your bag.

Bayangkan blood pressure aku masa tu. Brother jaga pintu tu pun kena la sedas dua tembakan. "Berdua aje keje? Kenapa dua? Lain kali letak sorang ni aje. Kitaorg ni datang bukan nak tengok consert, saje suka-suka nak beratur ramai2".

Right perhaps I didn't get the memo. The concert it not start for another half an hour. Well maybe my facts and timing here are wrong, but boy it felt like eternity! Eternity bukan macam perfume. Eternity bukan macam lagu Robbie Williams. Eternity macam Infinity!

Once the concert start, dah gelap pulak. Ramai lagi yang takde seat, so kena la duduk kat tangga. Dah la steep gila seat yang murahan ni. Asal tak jatuh udah la.

Anyhoo, Maroon 5 kicked the night off with Misery and a bunch of songs that I'm not familiar with. Bangsa yang tahu chorus aje. Tapi layan tetap layan. Half way mengantuk pulak :) Ok.. I'm a fan.. but not that big fan. Okkkk... I didn't do my homework. M&M Biru mesti hangin dengan statement ni.. sebab dia nak pergi tak dapat dibenarkan oleh Ketua Warden. Heheheheh

The sound system was not that good though. Or maybe the place that I'm sitting is just not the sweet spot. But the recording that I got on my mobile wasn't that bad. Still managed to get a passable quality of recording consisting of Adam's voice, the girls next to me singing and me screaming.... to Sunday Morning.

That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on Sunday morning
And I never want to leave

I will definitely be back if Maroon 5 ever in KL again. This time, we will move like Jagger? No?

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