Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Caca Marba

Why stop now if you have so much to talk/write about? Hence my 2nd entry at this wee hour.

The word caca marba tak ada dlm Kamus Dewan. Don't believe it? Then check it out online (Kamus Dewan online). Google returned about 5,650 results in 3 secs though. I was checking coz I just wanted to be sure of the meaning. To make sure that it relates to whatever mak nenek, merapik meraban, rojak, campur aduk etc etc that I'm about to ramble on.
Election 2008
We know the date. We know who the candidates are. Dah mendaftar ke belum? Kalau belum, sayang semuanya sudah terlambat. Cuba lagi next election. As for those yang dah mendaftar, bak kata iklan MAS Travel Fair " Kalau dah nak pergi, tunggu apa lagi?"
Oo ooo one more, "Kita sudah di landasan yang betul... (jadi tak payah la nak tukar tren plak)" hahahahha
I really love the radio ads for the Travel Fair. But I just like them, and not inspired to move my ass to actually go to the 6 location to check out the promotions. Disappointing. Mcm mana ni? Don't they realize how lazy Malaysian's have become? We want things at the click of our fingertips. Not, having to put on decent clothes, venture in the hote sun, then to drive and park and.... (lazy to type). Then again, they just posted a RM610 Million profit (read more). I guess they don't really fancy a couple of hundred RMs from me.
BIG Words
Anees the Dragon Slayer: " Kakak tu, masuk kelas satu Efesyen"
Me: "Ha? Efesyen? Kakak kau masuk kelas menjahit ke pulak? Sekolah apa ni?"
Anees the Dragon Slayer:"Betul...kelas dia Efesyen"
My sis: "Kelas satu Efficient (ejaan melayu Efisyien) la!"
LERRRR. Whatever happen tu Satu Melur? Satu Merah? Satu Jujur? Takpe la.. asal takde Satu Akar Umbi, or Satu Pucuk Pimpinan, or Satu Hadhari.. sudah.
Sudden Liveform
Tiba2 ada jugak org membaca blog aku. To my friends welcome! Welcome! Jgn la sedih baca entry pasal my mom. It' s meant to be a happy one. Tak sangka plak ada yg jadi ratu air mata. Hahahahahahahhaha.
The Grammys
Oooii.. my predictions was horrid. Indeed the brits have invaded the USA. Tak sangka Amy Winehouse will win a lot. My "what's up y'all" theory went out the window. But man, was she stoned? Or was she stoned? Mcm tak stable aje. Wonder if Britney is like this on her good days. The performances were nothing to shout about except Beyonce and the Queen - Tina Turner. Ada ke Aretha Franklin hangin sbb refer the title queen to Tina, when it should (kononnya) only reserve for her. Karuts!
The Oscars
Again, I'm at home and managed to catched the live telecast. Hmmm, I haven't seen any of the nominated movie except Sweeny Todd. I want to see Juno. Any idea if it will ever make it to our shores? Ke dah tunjuk dah? Again, takde sekor American pun yg menang for the actor/ actress award.
American Idol 7
So, who's your pick? Mine was voted out. The guy at least. The girl is still in. My pick: Brooke White, coz she sang Carole King (Beautiful) for her Hollywood audition. Oh and the guy? Garret Haley. Hahahahhahhahhaha. Why? Coz I have soft spot for underdogs! I bet everyone is rooting for Michael Johns to win. Nah.. he's too good to be true. Bet after a week or two, he starts to annoy us all. If a guy has to win, I think it will be David Archuleta. However, having said that, Michael Johns rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody is to die for!

Enough caca marba! G'nite!


Anonymous said...

1) i'll always like tina.. what's love gotta do with it? kau ingat kita emo nyanyi sama2 ntah bila..(aretha's a bore)
2) michael johns, juned. michael johns. buka baju semua!(garett tu dah out kan, mcm sesat decade! me like brooke too)
3) juno will nvr reach open cinema here, tp mehla tgk dgnku. btw dvd apek tu sibuklah bos aku minta blk. ko nk tgk tak?
4) maybe one fine day akan ada 1 k toyo, 1 noraini a? yg lagi sorang x nk sebut!

Anonymous said...

bebs... adalah cacamarba. tak caya, cheklah kamus dewan online. it's one word.

"mengandungi pelbagai unsur, bercampur aduk, (ber)pelbagaian"

Anonymous said...


- bila plak kita ada nyanyi tina turner ni? tak ingat plak aku.
- micheal johns tu bukak baju mmg la bukak baju... tapi serious aku rasa dia tak ley mng. dah dgr tak bohemian rhapsody tu?
- dvd apek tu tak nak la.

kau mmg hebat. tak terpikir plak aku it's one word. aku asyik jumpa caca (campuran sayur), caca (campuran bubur..).. apakah?

Anonymous said...

-singing sessions at ppp dulu. those were the days, man..
-i'd love 2 him to win tp if x mng, i hope he'll get a better career like daughtry. err what happen to uncle taylor kau? aku dah dgr bohemian rhapsody, best! btw end march starts a theater featuring all queen songs in s'pore, ada perasaan nk go tak?

Anonymous said...

eh KI kan anak pakar bahasa, mestilah pandai!