Sunday, April 6, 2008

Exit light, enter night...

Sleep with one eye open
Gripping your pillow tight

Exit light
Enter night
Take my hand
Off to never never land

Nasib baik ada lagu ni. If not the rock kapak week, cuma tinggal kapak tumpul karat aje. The performances did not live up to the hype. But who could blame them, 3/4 of the students memang tak pernah dengar pun lagu ni. Too bad sebab the judges and the audiences memang know the song by heart. Well, at least me. Hah! I have to side with Adlin on this one, memang there are times during the performances rasa macam nak terkecik.
Bosan nak cakap pasal yang sumbang and tak hafal lirik and yang nampak macam clown.
Let's talk about other things.
Baju. Purple dress with puffy sleeves should be burned in hell. Then, the only thing that the designers, penasihat pakaian ke whatever he calls himself, can think of.. mismatches sleeves is so Rock! Slevees with silver sulam sleeves. Grey torn sleeve with tah apa benda. Rasa macam nak muntah pulak. ni Rock ke Cindy Lauper Pop?
Pronounciation. Yes, you need to be clear. But I find overdoing or overstressing the words is so blerghhhh. UmbrelLAHH, ForeVAAHH, NevAHH, PosAHHH. It does not make you look smarTAHH or sophisticated. Try to sing it and see what I mean:

Standin on a mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait foreVAH
Oh and when you held my hand
I knew that it was now or neVAH
This were the best days of my life

Oh well, who can blame them. Lyric pun tak paham. Apa kejad, kejad har!

Shouting. Yes, the more you shout the more Rockin' you are. Tapi ada jugak lagu yang jiwang karat. Bila lagu karat pun nak jerit, dah jadi karut la. The students I can understand, whole week semua orang disuruh jadi ganas la.. whatever la.. Tapi yang judges pulak, apa hal? You have a mike on, you don't need to shout. PMS ka? Yang sekor lagi pulak, aku tgk mcm nak meraih popularity vote. whatEVAH!
Backup Band. Yeay! Finally something good to talk about. Too bad most of your frontman sucks!
Next week, i hope semua org dress nicely and park your ForeVAH, NeVAHH outside the MPPJ hall.
Selamat Maju JaYAHHHH!
Oooo one more thing, to all karaoke centers across Malaysia better make sure that your servers can support the selections below, because there's a lot of the OTAI out there who would like to prove they could do it better.
  1. Kamelia (Sweet Charity)
  2. Sentuhan Kecundang (Ekamatra)
  3. Opera Hidup (Wings)
  4. Summer of 69 (Bryan Adams)
  5. Dari Sinar Mata (BPR)
  6. Patahnya Sayap Malam (Massa)
  7. C.I.N.T.A. (XPDC)
  8. Tika Dan Saat Ini (Medicine)
  9. Total Eclipse of The Heart (Bonnie Tyler)
  10. Enter Sandman (Metallica)
  11. Sepi Sekuntum Mawar Merah (Ella)
  12. Pelesit Kota (Search)
Dalam banyak-banyak ni, which one is my favorite? Check it out, layan karaoke!


Anonymous said...

beb i was spot on in my sms kan?
1) jasmi rejab sucks. ntah apa fashion yg imagine kan for these students??!! wtf betol. sgt tak hip. more like kampong truly gone wrong.
2) english semua org bagai buta bahasa. ya rabbi apalah yg depa blajar in sekolah dulu? in fact bila dah minat nyanyi, bila hafal lagu tu tak penah ke try nk figure out what the songs mean, how to correctly pronounce it walaupun degil nk sing brit-slang/ am-slang?? why????
btw it's pronunciation.
and aku sgt agree with adlin's words: rock hanya utk org2 lama! kalau takde si mama rina n lagu metallica tu, alamat gelap betol mg rock AF. bkn rock kapal, rock cangkul pon tak jadi.

Anonymous said...

hahahhahah ckp org sendiri tak reti eja