Friday, September 17, 2010

Circle in The Sand

'Round and round
Rising of the moon as the sun goes down
And you complete the heart of me
Our love is all we need - Belinda Carlisle

This is one of my favorite part of my stay in Qatar. Ima and Man, brought me and my colleague out for an afternoon at the sand dune. It's a singing dune. Supposedly the wind will produce an echo or sound against the dry sand around the dune. (Read more here). Unfortunately, takde pulak bunyi-bunyian hari tu.

I discovered a few things here 1. The sand is very smooth and it's very nice to bury your feet in 2. The harmless looking plant in the desert is not so harmless after you get its torn stuck on your feet. 3. I'm so out of shape, and climbing the sand dune almost cause a cardiac arrest. 4. Sliding down the steep dune is loads of fun.

Another activity out in the desert or dune, is dune bashing. I thought it's more suitable to call it car bashing as you are actually bashing your 4 wheel drive rather than the dune. Lucky us because we were invited by this local guy who was bashing the dune (so to speak) and seemingly bored, alone.

With little English, he call us over. No problem. No problem. Come. Come. He introduced himself and me feigning ignorance, shook his hand. He had the smoothest hand! I can see that he was a little shocked but kept his cool. Hehehe.. I'm so gonna burned in hell. So in we climb into his Prado Cruiser. He put his car in gear and off we go. We being me and my colleague. Up and down, zig zag, 45 degrees tilt, 60 degree climb and what not. At one point I almost hit the roof as the car bounced up and down the dune.

The guy didn't know much English. He asked my colleague if we are brothers and sisters. I wanted to answer yes to end further query. But my colleague sibuk jugak nak explain that we are officemates, colleagues bla bla bla. I can see that he is so confused. Apa benda pulak officemate tu. Aku dah risau dah... bila la pulak mamat ni nak keluar hujah-hujah...Not muhrin? Haram!!! So, went he dropped us off, I quickly jumped out from the car, after thanking him. Lupa pulak nak posing dengan dia. Heheheh. It was good fun. I wish I could drive the car myself though.. heheh. Below is the picture that I managed to snap while we were dune bashing.

We managed to stay a bit to see the sunset. To those camera buff, the photo op is to die for. I hope I could come back after I learn how to capture pictures properly :) To Ima and Man, thanks a million for this great experience. Below is a few of my favorite shot from the afternoon.


glenn marie said...

pak arab tu sure nak ajak kau kawin if tau kau single hehehaw!

Juned said...

Banyak la kau. Tah-tah dia pun dah kawin, anak ada 8. Hehehe.. but I have to say.. dia cute la jugak :P

marie glenn said...

kau boleh jd no 4 ke n bear him another 8 anak!!!