Saturday, September 4, 2010


Seriously? .... Seriously?

This is not about Grey's Anatomy. What's with the series anyway? I lost count many people have been dating George.. Or is George still in the show. Or has Cristina been out with George.. now that they should totally explore. Don't even start with Meredith. I think she should be with the plastic surgeon. Brain surgeon too goody good shoes. Blerghhh.

Anyway, this is not about them. This is about my recent (well.. maybe a few weeks back) encountered with a rather rare species of some kind of human being. The term rare might imply that this person is delightful and interesting, but no. It's the total opposite. Seriously, I did not think that I would ever meet such person. Lucky me!

I was at the movies. Watching Inception. We got free tickets I think. I have heard so much about the movie, and was looking forward to what the evening will bring. Besides, a big fan of Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Ellen Page.

We arrived late and the movie hall was already dark. We got a seat on Row B on the right side. There were four seats, we sat near the wall next to a couple. The boyfriend sat next to me, while the girl sat on the outside. The movie started... and soon I was engrossed. I was really concentrating hard. The movie had so many twist and turn and what not... you really need to focus to understand. Interesting with capital I. And helllooo...the British dude named Eames.. had me hanging on every accented word that comes out from his mouth.

I started to realize that something was not right, when Ellen Page appeared. I swear I heard someone gush! And it's not a guy! And by the way the girl in my row kept on turning to the back row, I deduce as much that she's friends with the whole gang on the back row. And.. OMG, suddenly it hits me. They like worship this actress and must think that Juno is the best movie ever.. and I bet.. I bet.. they all are wearing sneakers... and wish that they know how to play guitar.. know about all about the indie bands and whatever. Basically... they want to grow up to be her. Hey, I'm cool with that. I do agree that she's a talented person... but seriously, do it own your own time, in own your home.

Anyway.. the gushing did not throw me off balance as much. I was still into the movie, crunching the numbers and processing all the bits and pieces of info. Then we hit the first dramatic scene in the movie... Only then I realized, something is reallyyyy wrong. I think the scene in the movie was something to do with structures vibrating and shaking..... it was so real.. that I, my seat is shaking as well. What gives?

It was shaking violently.. as if a monkey was jumping up and down the seats. It woke my sister from her slumber. And we looked at each other puzzled. I stole a glance to my left.. ya rabbi... memang there's a monkey jumping up and down on the seat. Would you believe that the girl in row... was so dramtically 'scared' of what's going to happen next, I think she was actually perching on the arm rest between the seats, hiding her face in her boyfriend's shoulder. "Oh no... I can't watch.. I can't watch.." Turn right... Oh noo.. noo... Turn left. Hug me. Hold me. Damn right the jantan will hold you. At the end of the night, seriously, the dude really had some action going. Bro, don't tell me.. while you were holding her.. you did not slip a grope or two.

It gets better. Now Leo on the screen gets all mushy and teary. Nice. Agitated monkey now turns on the waterwork.... silently sobbing and blowing her nose. Silent my ass. I can hear you damn it. Out come ..awww 'you poor thing' hug from the boyfriend, only to be pushed away by crying drama queen... Dude, the girl is concentrating. Please.

I lost count how many times I rolled my eyes heavenwards.

My sister who's now fully awake, start to curse in low tone. Hoping that the agitated, sobbing drama queen monkey would just cut it out.

Would monkey cooperate?

Of course not.

Here comes the 'make it or break it' scene.... Thank you mr director that you have to make it a super slow mo scene. So slow mo.. that the monkey becomes agitated again. Ohh I can't look.. Is it over?. Is it over? ... I think in the end she might have ended in her boyfriend's lap. I dare not look, because I'm afraid that I might bitch slap her. The scene was so intense.. everyone was on the edge of their seats.. I could hear the backrow totally holding their breath... the monkey squeezing the boyfriends scrawny hands....Then, I started to giggle. Hahahahha. I purposely suppressed my gigle so hard into the seat that now.. it's shaking. I said to my sister... I swear.. I swear.. one of these idiots are so going to stand up and give a standing ovation after this movie. Now my sister join in the laughing fit as well. To the other patrons.. we apologies from the bottom of our heart, but this is revenge!

Ahhhh.... now it's all over. All is ok. Leo is hero. Whatever. Then the movie cuts into the last scene.... and poooff..screen went blank. It's a clifthanger. Instead of a standing ovation, I was welcomed with.. OHH my goddd... how could they do that. Oh no.... moan moan moan.

I have not had such bad experience at the movie as I had that night. And sadly it was at one of the great movies. Bugger!

I wanted to hang around and see if there's any extra scene after the credit rolled out... but I can't stand another minute listening to the Juno cheerios dissecting the last scene.. and having what they thought of intellectual conversation. Do you remember when you were in Uni and all movies needs to be discussed over, right after watching it. Which part you like... which part you hate....Yes, Cringe factor!

Bila dah tua ni.. all you want to do is kencing and go home after movies. Who cares who did what and who did not do what.

Parents to agitated monkey, please prevent your daughther from watching movies... not until she learned that it's not cute to pretend to be an emotional wreck in public and it's bloody selfish to do so.. because it's disturbing others.

As they did not budge from their seats, I just said to them in my sarcasm tone, "Tak nak balik ke?" They got up from their seats, and let us thru. I really supressed the urge to tell the girl, "Dik don't get your seluar dalam twisted over this movie. Leo is one happy millionaire, while you worry over him. You want dissapointment? Wait till you start working and get your year end scorecard. This is not scary. Scary is doing your tax return"

Sighhh... the blissful ignorance of youth... but why do you have to sit next to me?


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