Sunday, November 30, 2008

This was 17 days ago...

The pictures above was taken on 11th and 13th November 2008. 13 days later, Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Bangkok was shutdown after being held under siege by anti-governement protesters. (read more here)

I just couldn't believe it!

We did plan to go to Bangkok around 25th Nov.. but after we discovered that Loy Krathong will be on the 12th, we felt that 11-13th Nov was the best date to go. Alhamdulillah, selamat pergi dan balik.

I just can't imagine if we are stucked there with thousands of other people. No flights out. Jadi la pulak Die Hard 5.0 - Taste of The Last Tom Yam.

We were just there taking pictures here and there. And running around thru out the terminal trying to stop at as many shops as possible while trying to make it for our flight and our gate, which as usual is at the end of the earth. Imagine Hillbillies meet Home Alone - the whole family going on vacation - late for their flights, kind of thing. When will I ever learn? It's 2 hours before flight.. not 20 minutes :P

The airport was huge! Lagi besar dari KLIA. The duty free shops pun best. Quite a number of major labels were there. Well, I hope everyone will manage to find their way back home amidst the chaos.


Unlike Bangkok which had some kekecohan a couple of months before, I went to Bali with a clear mind. Macam takde apa-apa. Rupanya, the Bali bombers were scheduled to be executed. The news runs day in day out of how security was tighten and police were anticipating riots. Travel warning was issued all over the world. And yet, here we are right smack in the middle of action, satu hape pun tak tau.

Every morning while getting ready, we would listen to the TV. Hari ni cerita Amrozi makan apa, masuk bilik mana, kampung dia di mana, helikopter nak bawa mayat dia nanti landing kat mana la.. apa la.

Despite it all, things remain calm in Bali. In fact diaorang pun macam tak peduli with what's going on. News paper pun tak baca. Aku je beriya-iya nak beli Koran sebab nak baca pasal the execution. Beli la Bali Post ke apa tah.. sepatah haram pun aku tak paham. Sampai dah balik Malaysia pun, the execution has not been carried out yet. Again, alhamdulillah selamat pergi dan balik.

They were executed on 9th November. Innalillah. Whether what they did was right, or whether it is really Jihad, hanya Allah sahaja yang menentukan. As sad and unfair as it seems that lives were taken abruptly by the bomb that they planted, I just had a small thought - those who died were mostly party revellers at Paddy and Sari Club, at least take comfort of knowing that they were having real a good time before the bomb went off. They die happy.

Read more about it here and here

'Ground Zero' - Monument to remember those who perished during the Bali Bombing 2002


Anonymous said...

at least they died happy??? OMG!!! You have got to be kidding... apakejadkejadhar???!! (aku tgh gelak gila ni... in case kau baca dlm nada lain plak).

Anonymous said...

Juned mmg biol, masa turbulence dlm plane pun, sibuk nk tido so that konon she'll die in peace if plane crash!

anyway apsal ko letak gambar bontot aku byk2? suka ehh tgk? (nada2 les ni kang geram lak power L in opis!!)

i guess nyawa kita pjg, alhamdulillah. bonda rupanya telah doa + solat hajat for us all supaya s'mat pi n kembali (ok aku evil nk gelak tp mungkin doanya yg diperkenankan Tuhan!). TAPI Die hard 5.0 - last tomyam pun mcm not bad. asal tak mati.(sbb aku byk dosa blm taubat) i'm always up for adventure tapi fonku pulak dah lesap + fon kau takleh call out hahaha! and each time kalau nk travel lg dgnku, mmg will be late sbb aku mmg forever late mcm hillbillies still nk shop n all.

Peace sista!