Monday, November 24, 2008

Where Do I Begin?

Where do I begin
To tell the story of how great a love can be
The sweet love story that is older than the sea
The simple truth about the love he brings to me
Where do I start

Yes. Where do I start? ... No. Ini tiada kaitan langsung pasal cinta or cerita Cinta, Ayat-Ayat Cinta, Ada Apa Dengan Cinta or Selamat Pagi Cinta. I'm so behind with updating me blog. Cerita semua dah jadi basi.... takde inspirasi betul nak menulis.


Let's take a breather and listen to LOVE by Joss Stone. Talented! Soulful! Best banget!Tak tau la macam mana nak cakap.

This LOVE rendition by her was used in Channel - Coco Mademoiselle (a younger version of Channel no 5) tv ads (staring Keira Knightley : vomit) in 2007.


Anonymous said...

kalau ye pun nk puke on ms knightley, ejalah starring betul2 hehehe. ke ad tu staring je at keira?

bila nk buat bali/bangkok post? mak aku dah menggila nk pi mana2 ntah tp passportnya enggak ada! bagimana sih?

Anonymous said...

ayat-ayat cinto,

dok tau pulok ejo starring ada duo R. Memeng nyampoh denge tino Keira tu.

Eh, kentut, buat pastport tu satu hari je la. Suruh je la depa buat. Week day bukan ramai orang pun. When there's a will there's a way. Macam aku tak tau kau tu sebenarnya malas nak pergi berjalan dengan depa. Ngaku saje la..

Anonymous said...

heh i wouldn't mind jalan dgn depa selagi bkn di tmpt2 haram sbb nanti byk songel! i lagi byk gaduh bila jln dgn laki sendiri!
smlm i showed them the booking for dec on all cheap airlines, mmg mahal so plan terpaksa postpone ke next yr. passport bkn problemo aku, depa yg berkira mengharap harga passporte turun! tak koser akak nk sponsor depa sbb akak pun masih berhutang dgn hang!