Thursday, July 1, 2010

1 Week Notice

...suddenly it's already time to go home? Where did the last 2 months go? I will be home free soon but not before navigating thru the crocodile infested rivers (that's being on standby for this weekend month end), finding my way out of a jungle full of poisonous creatures (that's packing my ever expanding luggage), crawling thru fields full of mines (that's a few more days at work, next week) and finally driving thru a long road full of potholes (that's getting thru the crazy airport departure procedure and the long flight back).

I'm so excited. I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it.


What am I gonna miss most? Or what am I not gonna miss at all? I'll start with the 'negative' list first

10. Having sand/dust/tiny annonying particles in your eyes on windy days

9. The first gush of hot air blowing to your face as soon as you step outside.

8. The feel of your face scrunching up as soon as you step into the 15 degrees office after spending 30 minutes in the 45 degrees hot oven outside.

7. Having pipping hot water no matter what time of the day when you turn on your tap

6. No chilli sos!

5. Looking at vast areas of sand and nothing but sand

4. The roundabouts

3. The sprinklers that goes off when I get home

2. Roller coaster rides and F1 Drivers disguise as Karwa and Karwa Drivers.

1. Are you Kebayan? (NO.I.AM.NOT)

.............. let the madness begin.


losing control said...

do, by all means, explain the kebayans.

curiga ingin tahu said...

ye aku pun nak tau apa kah itu kebayan.

Nenek Kebayan said...

That is a whole lot of different story... nanti gue explain in due time.