Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Put Your Hands Up In The Air

Rupanya ada jugak lagu tajuk ni. It's by some DJ, named DJ Danzel. Lyrics dia repeat benda yang sama sampai muntah. Anyway, I'm not writing about this song. I want to write about raising your hands up in the air... and find yourself in awkward situation. Dulu kat sekolah cikgu selalu suruh angkat tangan. Well, in some cases, people, just keep your hands in your pocket.

1. Recently I met my friend for dinner at Pavilion. We got from one story to another till she brought up a tragic but rather funny (ok I find it funny) story about how the soft top of her car got ripped and people stole stuff from her car. She was telling me the roof got ripped so bad, that she could stick her arms out and wave it around. "Hah ye ke beb?". "Ye, dah la hari hujan. Kakak aku lambat pulak gate, so aku keluarkan tangan aku ke atas.. and cakap kat dia.. oii tak nampak ke ni". Of course to make more impact, she had to put her hands up in the air and do a frantic wave to explain the whole situation.

Suddenly, a waiter appeared at our table and asked, "Yes, anything I can get you?". Both of us frozed. Aik, tak panggil pun mamat ni. Then only it only dawn to us.. alamak dia ingat kita panggil dia. Normally the two of us would maintain a game face.. tapi hari tu memang gagal. Instead of apologizing, we laughed out right to his face. Memang keji. Tapi tak tahan sangat. I think it was quite a while sampai merah muka waiter tu kena gelak. Only then we said sorry. We don't need anything from him. Heheheheheh. Suffice to say, lepas tu nak mintak tambah air ke apa, mamat tu bergerak macam kura-kura takde kaki. And everytime he would check from far, while mouthing, "you call i ke"? before approaching us. Sorry la dik, tapi memang tak tahan nak gelak.

2. This one happens eons ago. It was a magazine birthday bash party at some fancy smancy club (masa tu la. sekarang tah-tah dah jadi kedai mamak). The whole bunch of us wanted to go because they were giving freebies like it's 1999. Right after mengutip semua freebies syampoo la lip gloss la apa la, we were ready for the highlight of the nite. I think it was a performance by Ferhad or was it by Poetic Ammo... all I can remember was Ferhad was the MC.

Everyone gathered around the small stage cheering and what not. All I heard was .. next song Mambo no 5 .. bla bla bla.. some girls promise to come up on stage and perform with me bla bla bla bla... Aku maybe ada ADHD masa tu, started to notice the surroundings and one thing caught my eye. "Eh beb, atas tu ada camera la" "Mana" "Tu ha.." "Mana?" "Tu la... ha meh aku lambai.. nanti nampak kat screen yang sana tu...Ha nampak tak aku lambai... nampak tak?" Unfortunately before my friend could answer... the crowd in front of us parted... and all I heard was.. "there's a Sandra in the house" Ehhhhhhhhhhh... what just happenned? Before I knew it, Ferhad was asking me.. "is your name Sandra?" Holly mother of all evil. Did I just put my hand in the air when he was asking if there's any Sandra in the house? Bloody HELL. OK GAME FACE, GAME FACE! " Err... no..." "So, what's your name then?" "Err...Something else".. Needless to say, game face tak game face... aku la Sandra in the house malam tu. Haram berjadah. Untuk tidak melengah-lengahkan lagi majlis, aku naik je la atas stage. Not my proudest moment at all. Suffice to say, aku memang ganguan perasaan dengar Mambo No 5 lepas tu. Satu lagi, seandainya terpublish gambar-gambar kejadian malam itu dimana-mana, wahai kawan-kawanku, I know where you live and what car you drive. You have been warned!

See it's not always good to raise your hand. And children, you must always pay attention. Damn it!

Last but not least, this also happened recently. But it doesn't involve any of me or anyone else raising their hand. But it does falls into the same line as people get mistaken by my intention.

Our company has just launched a big safety campaign among which, one of the pledges -do not use of your mobile while driving. Right, so I was on the way to the office to pick up some friends for lunch. As soon as I exited the MEX highway, I thought of texting them up saying that I'm about 5 minutes away and get ready. Not to get myself into trouble (nor my car in a ditch), I stopped at the emergency lane. I was thinking to myself, "hmm why don't I put the hazard light on". So I did. And immerse myself into typing a message on my phone.

Tiba-tiba, I heard a honk and I glanced into my rearview mirror there's a huge yellow truck stopped behind me. My first thought was, apa ke halnya. Jalan ni panjang, berhenti la jauh sikit. I continue to sms, and while stealing glances in the rearview mirror. Hey wait a sec... this is Peronda Lebuhraya! Hahahahah they must have thought that I have car trouble. Aleeemakkkkk... nak kena turun explain ke. I opted to pretend not to notice them... till one of the Peronda guy which turns out to be a policeman, got out of the car.. and walk over. Yikessss....GAME FACE!!!! I frantically wind down my window and flash a smile and summoned out my inner blonde, " Soorriiii I nak buat phone call sebenarnya..he he he" The guy stopped in his track and gave me a 'oh ok' wave. Cepat-cepat aku blah lepas tu.

Goodness. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. One thing I know is that, I'm thankful that they are concerned enough to stop and check on me. Agaknya bila aku tak keluar-keluar tu, mesti depa ingat dah kena heart attack apa driver ni. Terima kasih la encik-encik Peronda Lebuhraya. Senang-senang berhenti la lagi.


... said...

though i was not there but i shall never forget no. 2.
And ok june, i shall do no. 3 either.
mak aku pantang betul berenti tepi² highway ni. ntah la dia. paranoid kot.

kawan sandra said...

like wth do u mean by this???

"Satu lagi, seandainya terpublish gambar-gambar kejadian malam itu dimana-mana, wahai kawan-kawanku, I know where you live and what car you drive. You have been warned!"

beb, u are still sandra yg diidamkan poetic ammo mlm tu..wasn't he like 'there's a sandra in d house?' 'oh i see sandra' pointing to u n kau nk deflect kat org lain pullok! hohoho to us all, kau tetap sandra each time mambo no 5 on air!!

p/s sape yg ada gambar tu? aku pun xde..

Zuned said...

hohoho.. it mean jgn la ada yg gatal nak post di FB, blog dan sewaktu dengannya. Akan aku pikirkan sesuatu yg evil nanti.

Ha, kau takde gambar tu? Alhamdulillah... aku tau sape yg ada. And of course, as a cam 'ho' aku pun ada gambar tu. Selamat dalam simpanan. (Sampai tak tau kat mana letak)

Eiii bencinya aku lagu Mambo no 5. As worst as Lemon Tree!